Article Title: HOW to Write a Book and Get Published ('I Want to Write a Book and Be Published!')
(Lesson 12 from Creative Writing and Book Publishing Course)
Author: Bill Rosoman
Shared (with permission) by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): How to Write a Book and Get Published, 'I Want to Write a Book and be Published', Creative Writing Course, Writing, Writing a book, Creative Writing and Book Publishing Course, Book Publishing , E-books , Writing Hints/Tips (enough there for now!)
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(Personal growth, self help , writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig!)

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"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."
(extracted from Online Creative Writing Course)

This short extract is a lesson from my and Craig's book 'How to Write a Book and Get Published'. We hope that these pointers may be helpful to aspiring* or perhaps other "non-techno" authors, like my friend, Craig.

* What's the definition of an aspiring author?
A waiter!*

(to roars of laughter from family and friends)

Me write a book! What!!! A "pipedream" or possible...perhaps?

A introductory words...

Writing a book may seem extremely daunting ...and perhaps even impossible to you, as I felt when I started out writing (like flying to the moon); but if you believe you have some writing talent just DO IT. As with eating an elephant ("hephelump"), break it into "small chunks". No only joking! Please treat all animals with great care. My point simply:
The key is taking that FIRST STEP in writing that first sentence...then one just gets involved in your "work of art", as writing becomes a daily habit. One wordsimply flows into the next...then one chapter just leads on to the next one.

Creative Writing and Book Publishing Course

Welcome to this lesson (lesson 12) of the Creative Writing and Book Publishing Course.

We hope you are enjoying our course and going down the path you wish to travel.

Table of Contents

Lesson 12 (a “shortie”)

In this lesson, we‘ll have a look at how to get your manuscript ready for submission and publishing .

* Spell Check, Edit and Proof Read document

* Lesson Conclusion

Here are a few pointers/tips…

Spell Check, Edit and Proof Read document

As you go along you need to keep an eye on the layout and do a spell check now and then.

One fundamental question you have to ask: If your manuscript is in English for instance, then which version of English will you use?

I guess if your target market is the USA , then it’s US English; if the target is Europe , it’s UK English and of course, you could use NZ (New Zealand), SA (“Sutheffrikun“), Australian or even International English.

Proof reading can be tricky, as you can easily become “blinded” by your own work; so it is great if you can get someone else to proof read the document and see it through “fresh eyes”.

Otherwise you can do it yourself and put up with the results, I guess!

The best thing is to get into good housekeeping habits with your writing and with using the computer.

Regular backups are very important.

Do regular spell checks, keep going back and checking the layout etc.

You also need to be consistent, with layout, font, size, etc.

Of course, you should have the latest virus checker etc on your computer, and ensure that it is up to date and fully operational. (Not a problem for me as I do not use Windows, but the Linux operating system, where we do not get viruses and spy-ware).

NB: Do not forget to save and back up your documents often!

Lesson Conclusion

So hopefully you now have the Spell Checking, Editing and Proof Reading under Control!

If you have any problems or questions let us know!

More information is available at sites like


So how is the task going?

My last book ‘Bill's World’ took many years of writing, then publishing , but seriously it only took nine months of “work“. I work nights, so I was being paid to write my book between coping with customers…and I thoroughly enjoyed the process

Now you need to get on and finish the manuscript!

Best of luck and we will see you on the next lesson.

So as the Nike ad says,

Just DO IT

Then hopefully one day I'll see your name in print or on the www.


Good luck* and happy writing

Bill and Craig

* Wasn't that once defined as where 'preparedness meets opportunity'

As the ancient Chinese proverb said so wisely...
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with ...
a broken fan belt and a leaky tire."

PPSEnjoy some of craig's favourite quotes...

"You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm."- Colette

"He who cherises a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it.
Dream lofty dreams and as you dream so shall you become."
- James Allen

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of yourultimate accomplishments."
- Napoleon Hill

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Together, one mind at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, empower , uplift, encourage ... and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials."

"Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow. "
- Langston Hughes

Author's Bio: 

Bill and Craig

Creative Writing Tutor

Craig Lock of Eagle Productions, a writer, author and educator


Publishing Tutor

Bill Rosoman of Nugrow Technologies, a Computer IT Specialist and Writer

Web Site:


Let us help you publish your book for an unbelievably low fee! Click on

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