What is a Chain saw?

A chainsaw is a versatile, mechanical saw which cuts with a set of teeth joined to a rotating chain that runs along a guide bar. It is used in activities for example tree felling, limbing, bucking, pruning, cutting firebreaks in wildland fire suppression and harvesting of firewood. Chainsaws with specially designed bar and chain combo have been developed as tools for use in chainsaw art and chainsaw mills. Especially the professional chainsaws are used for cutting concrete. Chainsaws are sometimes used for cutting ice, for example for ice sculpture and in Finland for winter swimming.

How to operate Chainsaw

1. Safety first

In order to use a chainsaw safely, you should wear a helmet with a visor or use safety goggles. Also, wear sturdy shoes and pants with saw security. Carry a whistle or cell phone in case you need to call somebody for help.

2. Take the time to get to know the saw

Take as much time as is needed to get acquainted with the chainsaw. Every chainsaw comes with a chain catcher, throttle lock and stops control. Other defensive security features of the saw include right-hand guard and kickback protection. These features are altogether designed to stop the saw from working in case of accidental advance or should the chain in the saw break or derail.

3. Check the saw’s chain

It is a good idea to replace the chain every few years. Ensure the chain is tensioned appropriately before you start. You will also need to re-tension the new chain after using it for a short period.

4. Fill fuel to the optimal level

Always use ecologically friendly fuel and vegetable-based chain oil. While filling the saw with fuel, place it on a surface. Always move the saw a bit after fuelling and before working with it to avoid fire risks.

5. Keep safe distance

Keep up a safe distance of at least 5 meters from objects or living beings when using the chainsaw. If you are cutting a tree, ensure there are no people or animals around.

6. Ensure that the chain brake is working

Before using the saw after beginning it, ensure the chain brake is working normally. Squeeze the throttle and at the same time use the kickback security. Make sure that the chain stops immediately.

7. Check the lubrication

To check chain lubrication, hold the saw over a light surface. Hit the throttle and check if oil is seen on the surface.

8. Protect your back

Twist at the knees, especially when you are doing low-level work. This will spare your back.

Chainsaw using tips

1. Always grasp the tool firmly at the two handles.
2. To decrease the power of possible kickback, hold the left thumb under the left handle firmly.3. Always stand with the feet separate when working with the saw for a better balance. Saw with both lower and upper edge of the chain.
4. Sharpen the chain from time to time.

We hope now you have clear idea how to use a chainsaw professionally.

Author's Bio: 

Rasel Khan is an internet entrepreneur