Every time you go online, your computer is assigned a unique IP address, like every computer connected to the Internet. An IP address is required to send and receive information, much like a mailing address is required to receive conventional mail. Tracing an IP address is not very difficult to do, and we will show you how. Below you can check it manually. But if you want to get commercial purpose you use ip-tracker.co.uk .

IP address of a website

Open the command console. On a Mac, it's called Terminal and it's in the Utilities folder. On a PC, click on " Start, then Accessories", then" "Command Prompt. This will allow us to ping any website to know the IP address.

Ping an address. This sends a signal to a URL - a bit like a sonar, hence its name - that bounces back and forth with the information from the website, and indicates the time that has taken the round trip.

Press Enter. The IP address should appear next to the site name, followed by the number of seconds or milliseconds that the ping has taken.

The IP address of an email

Open your email client. To find the IP address of an email that has been sent to you, you can study the headers - things that look like a keyboard that has exploded in the message.

Show headers. From the View menu, select the option that allows you to view all the headers or extended headers, and your To/From section will expand by showing new information. In all this information you will only have a few things to look for.

Open the command console. This is described above. Only this time, instead of pinging a known address, we will run a whois check.

Use an alternative search. You do not want to use the device, or maybe it is not loaded on your computer. Instead, you can try using an Internet search, such as ip-lookup, which gives you the same overall information as search with whois, and in many cases, much more.

Geolocation of an IP address

Use the methods described above to obtain the IP address you want to check.

Go to a site that will allow you to search the IP address information. Google "IP Lookup" or "IP Geolocation" for an exhaustive list of sites that offer this service for free.Understand what you can and cannot learn from the IP address.

• Which Internet Service Provider (ISP) has been used by the user? In some cases, this may be the business of the user (eg Ford.com). In other cases, it may simply be one of the big ISPs like Free or Orange.
• The approximate physical location of the user (for example, Paris, Ile de France)
• Be aware that generally, you will not know the real name of the person at this IP address (eg Robert Dupont). The ISP generally discloses this information only following a court order.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover.