Do you have ADD ? Even if you've never been diagnosed, you may suffer from the following symptoms:

* inattention to details
* commonly misplacing/losing things* forgetfulness
* being easily distracted.

If this sounds like you or someone you love, how do you focus your brain to clearly communicate what's important to you? How do you get your loved one to really pay attention? Meditation may be the key.

Meditation, available today in a variety of forms, is a way to still the mind's natural chatter that can accumulate daily. Such "chatter" is usually even greater in an ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder ) brain. Let's look at three specific techniques that can help you meditate with ADD .

1. DEEP BREATHING. A staple of almost every meditative practice, deep breathing naturally calms both your body and your brain by sending autonomic signals to your Central Nervous System. Start by inhaling slowly through your nose, making sure to breathe from your diaphragm/belly and from your lungs/chest. Exhale through your mouth even more slowly, letting the air out in a tiny puff. (It helps to imagine you're breathing out through a drinking straw.)

2. OBSERVATION. Many people think meditation means quieting the mind to perfect stillness. But this can be almost impossible, especially for ADD sufferers. Instead, take a mental step back from your thoughts by picturing yourself on a park bench, watching thoughts come by like buses. When you notice the thoughts, think, "Isn't that interesting?" as you watch them move along without you. It's easier to separate from them this way.

3. PRACTICE. As with anything, the more you practice, the easier it becomes to quiet your mind when you really need it. Start slowly with one minute each week, then see how frequently you can increase your meditation practice.

If you, your child or someone else you know and care for has ADD, you can benefit from meditation in a number of ways, such as sharpening your focus and your memory, and ultimately feeling a sense of inner calm that can bring serenity to your entire life.

Author's Bio: 

Learn to identify your emotions and take control of your life. Kealah (KEE-la) Parkinson is a Communications Coach who specializes in The Challenged Brain: She helps clients overcome depression, ADD and other challenges to speak their personal truth clearly to the world. Author of the e-workbook, "Speak Your Truth: How to Say What You Mean to Get What You Want," Kealah presents mini-workshops that help anyone—with any brain type, even "neuro-typical"—overcome emotional overload and communicate with ease. Her techniques have worked in real-life situations and can work for you and your team, too. Specialties: group workshops; one-on-one coaching, including résumé packages with interview tips.