Moving your parents into a senior community can be a gut-wrenching process for everyone involved. Many adult children feel that they’re doing wrong by their parents. In reality, the move to a senior living facility is likely in everyone's best interests. The key is making sure that the home is meeting the residents’ needs. If you’ve recently moved your parents into a new facility, you should do whatever you can to monitor the situation. If there’s a problem, you could always start the search for a nursing home neglect lawyer . Here are four ways to keep tabs on your parents as they adjust to life in a new home.

Call to Check up on Them

Your parents’ first few months in a new home is not the time to go incommunicado. You’ll only be able to register their comfort level if you’re in somewhat constant communication. While calling every day might be a little excessive, you should check in at least a few times a week. That’s the only way to learn about any problems as soon as they arise.

Ask What They’ve Been Eating

If your parents are being properly looked after, then they should be eating as well as ever. Most assisted living facilities and nursing homes offer some type of food service. If the food isn’t coming consistently or if the options aren’t to your parents’ liking, it’s your job to find out about it. A casual question about what they ate for dinner is an easy way to gauge their well-being without coming on too strong.

Pay Attention to Subtle Cues

Your parents are used to looking after your best interests, and they might not be comfortable with the tables having been turned. They could lie about their happiness or cover up mistreatment for the sake of sparing your feelings. That’s why it’s so important to listen for subtle signs that your parents aren’t comfortable.

Visit Frequently

While phone calls are important for touching base, physical visits are necessary if you really want to get a handle on the situation. A few hours with your parents in the home will allow you to see first-hand how they’re being treated. You can also use the visit to express any concerns with the staff.

Once your aging parents have moved into a new home, it’s on you to make sure they’re comfortable. Follow the steps outlined above to watch out for their well-being.

Author's Bio: 

Dixie Somers is a freelance writer who loves to write for business, health, and women’s interests. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters.