Let's suppose you've made the decision to make beats online! Great choice! Making beats online is practical and cost-effective, not to mention give you complete creative control over your own music!

Now, the next thing to do is to make music using digital technology, but how do you move forward? What do you need to know to really get into making great beats online?

There are several things you should learn when you're set on making beats online. Select the style of music you want to create online. Are you into slow music or do you use a more rapid tempo? Is your personal style evident in the music you will create? Do you have a genre in mind?

If you work with some funky pop beats then you will need to make use of various bass lines and sounds to make yourself distinct from the usual jazz and rap sounds. This is your first step: identify the perfect tempo for your music. The way your audience will perceive the pace of your music depends on your tempo. The best part of choosing a tempo is you can change the settings through your software until you find the best one for you.

Making beats is very simple; it's all about knowing the timing that you want to create. The great thing with being able to make beats online is that you can experiment all you want with your creativity without spending a ton of cash on studio rental.

But, your music and the way you develop it must also have a clear direction. It's easy to get overwhelmed with the many options available so stick with your plan and don't get swayed!

One vital factor you need to really comprehend when you make beats online is to really be sensitive to the different ways of using the drums so that you can find the perfect combination for your music immediately.

The way you mix up the bass line and the drums will dictate the mood you can create with your beat. Remember, the drum sounds you will use in online music creation are not much different from those that a live drum set creates.

The important basics are simple. The bass will create the deep and low sounds, which denotes the timing of the other sounds. Creating your bass-line beat which is the fundamental element for you to build your sounds upon. Then the snare keeps time and the hi-hats and cymbals fill in the spaces between the beats and give the sounds some texture.

Once you have really programmed the bass line and texture of your beat online with the virtual drum sounds, you can now go ahead and modify the other sounds to your heart's content. You can try this: add a voice or audio loop to enhance the beat you created.

You just need these basic points to start. It's time to put your new knowledge to the test when you make beats online!

Learn more at:
How to make rap beats
Make own beats online

Author's Bio: 

James is a consultant specialized in music production software. Take a visit to his site to read reviews and catch useful hints as: Make your own music online