The love of your life has just walked out on you and you are emotionally shattered. You feel completely alone, heartbroken and desolate.And now you are wondering how to get over someone fast and get over the breakup?

Here are certain points to consider getting over the hurt and pain that will help you move on instead of wallowing in misery and looking forlorn.

Stay away from any type of contact -

This means that you should make a complete break. Delete his number from your mobile and block him from your Facebook, Twitter and MySpace accounts.

This is because you are bound to miss him and have regrets or you may feel like calling and apologizing for something that was not your fault.

You may even stir up another argument as you are lonely and miserable. If you happen to work at the same office and cannot help bumping into each other you should learn how to minimize the interaction and walk away.

Visit your therapist or counselor -

If you have unanswered questions, doubts and are wallowing in misery, talk to a counselor. You can pour out your heart and the therapist will lend an ear.

This does not mean that they are going to let you go through the same misery again by advising you on the course of action that you can take.

You will feel better once you let out steam and will be open to good advice. You will also understand where things went wrong and you will become a better person when you open your heart out again to another relationship.

Meet your buddies and party -

Do not spend time moping alone. Go out with your friends and you will have a whale of a time talking to them, sharing anecdotes and laughing – yes this is possible even though you feel that you can never laugh again.

Meet new people and have a great time in their company. You do not have to jump into a relationship. Instead have fun and flirt with your men friends.

You will notice that many of them give you the thumbs up which will make you feel good about yourself.

Tell yourself that you come first!

Yes, you should start by attending a gym close to you. Get rid of those extra pounds you have been stashing away when you cozying up in the last relationship with your ex.

You need to get yourself a new wardrobe and fit into some daring outfits that make you “feel good.” You will be able to restore your self-confidence once you get into a good routine of running or exercising.

Surround yourself with the endorphins released to aid in helping you when you are track.

Empty your home of all reminders -

If there are any pictures or objects that remind you of your ex, this is a good time to toss them out. Put them in a box and give it away or destroy them. You will feel a burden lifting off your shoulders when you do this.

When you get back home, look around and you will see that you are able to face a new beginning confidently and wonder where all that misery disappeared. Yes, you are ready to face life again!

How to get over someone fast will not be a problem if you heed the advice given above and learn to let go.

Remember that there is someone out there waiting for you. Once you meet that someone special, you will respect the relationship and learn from your earlier mistakes.

Respect your partner and give them enough space so that they enjoy your company whenever you are together. You should also give as much as you receive when you are in love to keep the relationship lasting.

Author's Bio: 

Alex J. Stevenson is not a PHD holder on Psychology, however he better understand how to use psychology to get over an ex and live your life happily. If you having a hard time getting over your ex then checkout his training material ' The Master Training Kit: How to Get Over Your Ex In 14 Days . Visit here .