Do you think that business success is truly a choice?

I believe that it is.

Anyone who has ever started a business knows there is work involved. It takes a clear vision, strategic planning , marketing and more to be successful.

The two traits of successful businesses that I see most often (regardless of the type of business) are consistency and communication. To truly choose success, you must incorporate both into your overall strategy.

Consistency = staying power. When you create a strong brand and platform and continue to be true to that you’ll gain trust, brand recognition and people will know you are serious about your business.

Communication = relationships. Relationships are key to business success because without them you don’t have customers. It’s important to communicate with customers and potential customers to let them know how you can be of service to them.

Successful businesses incorporate consistency and communication in all facets of their business. Businesses that fail generally don’t have plans, lack consistency and don’t let potential customers know what they have to offer.

I’ve been pondering this recently because I’ve had several people ask me if I offer specific services (even though they are listed on my website) or assume that they cannot afford to work with me because they didn’t immediately see information about my editing /rewrite rates which are considerably lower than starting from scratch. Plus, there are some things I do that aren’t even listed on my site… (and there are more to come, soon.)

This made me realize I’m not being as consistent with my communication as I should be (can you relate?). It also made me think about the businesses that are continually reinventing themselves with no apparent rhyme or reason.

It’s easy to assume that people understand what you offer and know what is available but the truth of the matter is, they don’t and won’t unless you tell them and show them how you can be of service. It’s equally important to be consistent in what you offer so you don’t confuse people.

So, with that being said, I plan to communicate my offerings more effectively and consistently so I can truly be of service to those who need my offerings most.Are there products and services you should be sharing with your community to support them?

Are you being consistent and communicating?

Are you REALLY clear about who you are, what you do and how you can best serve your ideal clients?

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Manyon specializes in POWERFULLY communicating your marketing messages to increase results. She’s a Professional Copywriter dedicated to making life easier for business owners and entrepreneurs by knocking one more thing off your “to do“ list. Manyon is the Copywriting Expert for The International Association of Web Entrepreneurs. Get a Free Copywriting Action Plan & discover 7 Power-packed Insider Tricks of the Copywriting Trade to Dramatically Increase Sales of your Products & Services