Amazon seller accounts are getting frequently suspended and banned almost every day. That is because most of the sellers are not aware of Amazon’s selling policies. Many sellers do no care of the selling policies or try to misuse the privileges. To be a successful seller you need to take care of these issues very carefully. To avoid getting your seller account banned you have to monitor your account regularly.

First of all, get yourself familiar with all the policies, rules and regulations of Amazon. There are several guidelines for the sellers. Try to understand them properly. In case you get any difficulty in understanding the policies you take the help of the professional Amazon service providers. Amazon used to evaluate the policies very often. So, you must keep a track of the guidelines frequently. Once you are clear about the know-how, you can conduct your business accordingly and avoid the unwanted losses.

To avoid getting banned, you can control your business as follows:

Before selecting any vendor, do thorough research on vendor reputation and authenticity.
To prevent complaints against authenticity, do not list products that were not manufactured by the original copyright holders or the manufactures.
Immediately close the listings of the products with any complaint related to it.
Use your metrics page, to identify other products that are potentially problematic products.
Use the Product Performance tool to remove the product listing that is not performing well. It will stop other possible incompatible complaints.
Regularly monitor your product performance list to identify the issues and act accordingly without wasting any time and before they lead to a complaint.
You should remove all such listings that are equivalent to the lesser performing product listings.
The product description is a very important factor in the e-commerce platform. It should be identical to the original products. Create accurate product descriptions and product images to make them compatible with the actual products.
Review regularly the comments which can create potential problems and act on them immediately.
Review your actual inventory to make certain that all the products listed on Amazon are authentic, compatible and exactly as per their description. Be sure that the quality of every individual product is checked before it is added to the inventory and sold to ensure that buyers receive the good products.
Improve your product packaging to increase good feedback.
It’s your business and conducting it genuinely will become an absolute advantage for your organization. Earning the faith of your customers will enhance your capability and open up the door for a lot of opportunities for the growth of your business. Amazon is a huge market and you should see that you don’t have to lose this market. It is better that you consult with the professional Amazon service providers before taking any step.

Further, if you have any query and need any help you may contact Vintek System. Professional and qualified service providers can help you to get out of any problem.
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Vintek System is a growing ECOMMERCE Solution provider with a intense focus on branding & reputation of online business and digital marketing with implementation of new ideas and innovation. We Provide consulting, development and support services for all business.