Many people desire more money and so they do, do, do to create that money. Action is required to generate money however, there's an underlying energy to address so that you can release the flow of wealth into your life - YOUR MONEY STORY.
Join me as we begin the journey of uncovering your money story, seeing it for what it is and how it contributes to the self sabotaging habits
that keep you below your desired wealth.
Let's unlock your wealth codes.
Speaker Bio
Michelle Cooper is the high priestess of profit, a spiritual gangsta, CEO of Alchemy Accounting & Bookkeeping, a Profit First Professional, and author of several books. Michelle took her small accounting firm in rural British Columbia to a thriving online business encompassing coaching and consulting, speaking, and writing while balancing the management and growth of a brick and mortar office. She has built a solid team of bookkeepers, accountants, tax professionals, and business coaches who support impact driven entrepreneurs to have highly profitable, sustainable businesses while creating the peace
of mind that comes from a solid financial foundation.
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Event Location: Online - Zoom, Canada
Contact Number: 778 317-4961
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