Having Family Holiday Traditions adds a wonderful dimension to your holiday season. There is so much emphasis on the the whole gift selection, gift buying aspect of Christmas, that sometimes that becomes the main focus of the holidays. It shouldn’t be that way. By starting some family traditions, you will add balance to your holiday celebration as well as fun and laughter. Family traditions also provide roots for your children that will bring them great memories in years to come. They also provide a way to instill a sense of family within your children. Ours always make time each year to make sure they don’t miss a single gathering and we always work the schedules so that they all can be here. This comes as a result of the kids enjoying years of these fun family traditions that are as much a part of their holiday celebration as any gift.
In our home, one of our favorites is our annual Holiday Open House.. we have been hosting it for over 20 years and include everyone. The kids always invite friends, teachers, coaches as well as our family and friends. Once they were in college it provided a great gathering place to reconnect with high school and hometown friends each Christmas season. It is an easy party to plan as we do a pot luck and everyone brings something. It all goes on the table and we always have plenty. In the end, it is never about the food, but instead it is about reconnecting with old friends and gathering with family. Of course, our town Santa is always invited which adds to the festivities.
A friend of mine with small children shared a special tradition her family has begun. It's called the Elf On The Shelf and is just the cutest ever. Nothing difficult or expensive, but I am sure her grandchildren one day will be visited the same ELF!
We also play family games every Thanksgiving and Christmas. May sound lame, but trust me it is a night of so many laughs and the kids even invite friends over to join us. One year we held a Holiday Hold’Em tournament, another year we ran a Santa Bingo night.. they are always fun. Emails begin flying after Halloween with friends and family guessing what the Christmas game will be this year! We have prizes, of course, but nothing extravagant.. the most sought after one is the homemade t-shirts I design for the winners.
You can read about all of our various family traditions and even email for a free set of Holiday Hold’em cards that you can print yourself at Celebration Ideas Online .
Carol is married with four grown children whose family loves to celebrate everything! Her favorite hobby now that the kids are all on their own or off to college is her web site: Celebration Ideas Online , a resource center for fun family celebration ideas.