If you are like me, you find yourself busy... home, kids, work, friends and family . All important things, but they can take over. We forget that we need to take care of ourselves. You may find that you are feeling tired, stress and simply worn out.

After many years of feeling this way myself, I decided that I had to turn things around. I had to start incorporating things that feed my spirit and added personal energy. We have all heard the infamous quote..."put on your oxygen mask first."

You need to create "YOUR time", start with just 30 minutes a week and work up to 30 minutes a day. It can be tricky to schedule, very true. It can feel uncomfortable at first, definitely! You can overcome these little hurdles though and begin to feel better.

Focus on creating an awesome example for your family and your kids!

1. Try to live Simply, remove as much unneeded "stuff" from your life as you can.

2. Take a nice long scenic walk, perhaps the beach or the lake. (Even invite a friend) I LOVE going for walks at our local lake. The breeze the water... it is so calming.

3. Put on your favourite music, turn it up loud and dance. YES! I am doing that right now! okay I am not dancing while I am typing, but I am listening to very up-beat music, it completely energizes me. Find the best music to fit your activity.

4. Sink into your tub for a long, luxurious soak at the end of the day. Light a few nicely scented candles, turn off the lights and let the glow and scent of the candle relax your mind, body and soul. Some people choose to do this every day, some like to do it on special occasions, but you must try it, it is wonderful!

5. Splurge just a little and go in for a professional massage at your local day spa. Again, maybe not every week, but take the time! If you have never had a professional massage , you must have at least one. You can also take turns with your partner, this can also be very relaxing.

6. Go have a manicure and pedicure done. (And I truly suggest the Spa Pedicure - awesome! )

7. How about your favourite old movie? You know the one that just made you laugh, cry and smile. Or make a date with your self to see a new movie or a girls night out with your BFF.

8. Coffee Stop and a Good book. Our local Chapters store has a Starbucks and comfy chairs to let you enjoy a good book.

9. You haven't talked to your BFF in awhile? Pick up the phone and call her and reconnect, go OUT for a coffee or a movie night.

10. The BEST Stress Reliever - Take a Vacation!!! Money a little tight... no problem take a "Staycation". Send the kids to the neighbours or Grandmas and turn your bedroom, bathroom and backyard into a wonderful QUIET vacation spot.

Just pick one activity from the list and start there, give it a try. See how much better you can feel in just 30 minutes.

Author's Bio: 

The Passion Diva - Lori Smith presents: Simple Step to Self Care - 6 Day ecourse - Each day you have the opportunity to create a passionate nurturing lifestyle. You can start small and take small steps forward to create some thing wonderful.

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