Cardiovascular disease is estimated to be the leading cause of death and loss of disability-adjusted life years worldwide. Although age-adjusted cardiovascular death rates have decreased in several developed countries, rates of this type of disease have risen greatly in low-income and middle-income countries. A major part of the burden is carried by such countries. Effective prevention needs a global strategy based on knowledge of the importance of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in different geographic regions and among various ethnic groups.
The high burdens of heart attack, heart failure (In French cardiaque symptome )and other cardio vascular disease in developing countries can be attributed to the increasing incidences of atherosclerotic diseases, most likely caused by urbanization and higher risk factor levels like obesity , diabetes, hypertension, etc., the relatively young age at which they manifest, the large sizes of the population and the high proportion of young adults and middle-aged individuals in these countries. With urbanization and changing lifestyles, the number of people with diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure may increase even more.

For countries in the earliest stage of development, the predominant circulatory diseases are rheumatic heart disease, nutritional deficiency–related disorders of the heart muscle and those caused by other infections. Regions that are experiencing this phase include Sub-Saharan Africa and the rural areas of South America and South Asia. During the second phase, infectious diseases are reduced and nutrition improved. However, diseases related to hypertension become more common. Regions experiencing this stage include China and other Asian countries. During the third stage, high fat diets, cigarette smoking and sedentary lifestyles have become more common. Non-communicable diseases become predominant with the highest mortality caused by atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, especially at ages below 50 years. This phase is found in urban India, Latin America and the former socialist countries. During the fourth stage, increased efforts to prevent, diagnose and treat ischemic heart disease and stroke are able to delay these diseases to more advanced ages. The regions that have reached this stage include Western Europe, North America (excluding some parts of Mexico), Australia and New Zealand.To reduce the mortality rate due to heart attack(In French maladie cardio ), heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases in these developing countries, education and awareness programs on the different factors that cause such diseases are vital.Promotion of healthy diets and lifestyle must be stressed upon. There are numerous possible strategies for prevention.

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