Indoor flooding In Ottawa can be caused by natural and in-home disasters. Be it from floods caused by storms or by a burst pipe under your home, the aftermath of such disasters can range from something as simple as a puddle in one corner of the room to something as complicated as knee-high floods. Whatever the cause of the flooding, you need flood restoration in Ottawa. As a responsible homeowner, you want to rid your home from these unwanted damages in the safest and most efficient ways possible.

Depending on the damage caused, some cleaning methods are doable through the do-it-yourself process. However, if the situation is beyond your control, the best choice to clear water damage is by contacting professionals like Renovco as soon as possible.

Flood Restoration In Ottawa - DIY Cleaning Tips

If you are dealing with simple water damage cleanups, is no need to call in the experts. Renovco recommends some steps, you will be able to restore the damaged areas of your home back to its original pre-damaged condition.

Gearing Up

To avoid unforeseen accidents during flood restoration in Ottawa. You have to wear boots to protect your feet and gloves to shield your hands. Some debris such as loose nails and splinters cannot be seen under all that murky water. It is always best to protect yourself before tackling any cleaning job on this scale.

During Flood Restoration in Ottawa, You Have to Prep The Surrounding For Safety

You DO NOT want to be cleaning in a high-risk space. Hazards such as open wires, sharp obstructions, and excess moisture can lead to fatal wounds and injuries. To prepare the area, you begin by turning off the main power of your home and unplugging all electrical devices in the afflicted area. Without the flow of electricity, you are avoiding the possibility of accidentally electrocuting yourself.

The next thing to do is, to turn off the main power of your water. This step only applies if the damage is caused by in-door problems such as burst pipes. Turning off your main water supply will not only stop the water from rushing in your home but also, makes it easier for you to clean.

Moisture Is The Enemy

Keeping the floors, walls, and items in the area wet may lead to slipping, mold, and damaged furniture. Water and time become your enemy; so once the area has been cleared for safety, immediately dry the area. Old fashioned methods such as mopping or towel drying will do fine, but for a faster process, you may use a wet/dry vacuum cleaner to get rid of the excess liquid. REMEMBER during the flood restoration in Ottawa, not to plug the vacuum cleaner in nearby sockets nor use an extension cord for that matter. Always go for the safest option when drying up the place.

As for drying the furniture, you may want to bring them outside and have them sun-dried.

Drying Up the Property

To quickly dry up the afflicted area, you have to open all the doors and the windows of the house. You may also use your electric and ceiling fans to aid with the drying process.

Disinfect  the Area

After everything is dry, disinfect the whole space to prevent bacteria and other harmful substances from spreading into your house.

After Flood Restoration in Ottawa, Prevent Mold Growth

Mold is a secondary problem caused by floods. If they are not completely eradicated, you will be risking the health of you and your family , and weaken your home’s integral structure. To prevent this, you have to clean the areas with cleaning products with a 10% bleach solution on their label. For this, you can apply the solution on the affected area for at least 10 minutes, before rinsing it clean with water or drying. If you are unsure of the damage or damages caused by mold, contact us as soon as possible, so that we may be able to perform mold remediation on the mold-infested area.

We Recommend to Throw Out Unsalvageable Items

Of course, some items cannot be saved after the damage has been done. If the item cannot be rescued through any method, the best choice is to throw it away to prevent it from causing further damage and occupying much-needed space. If your items are valuable, a family heirloom, or antiques however, it is good to know that some restoration companies offer content restoration, to save all those much-loved items.

Find a Partner for Your Flood Restoration in Ottawa

Cleaning up your home after it has sustained flood damages can be easy, but if you cannot handle the situation, the best decision is to always rely on the professionals for help.

Call us at 613-727-7070 or visit our contact page to know more about us and our services. Our operators are at the ready 24/7, so you may contact us at any time!

Author's Bio: 

Blerina Laska