Website crafters love Laravel framework. And especially when it comes to building superior quality websites or offering Laravel development services , it is always the first choice. The reason? Well, it comes with an advanced query syntax which makes the website development process swift and rapid. So, whether it is routing, caching, queuing, or authentication; it always offers the best solutions for the website developers.

Through this blog, we will acquaint you with the features of Laravel framework. But before we go about that, let us understand how the framework came into being and know about its evolution:

Introduction and Evolution of Laravel Framework

In June 2011, Taylor Otwell created Laravel for offering an advanced alternative for CodeIgniter framework. Its first Beta release happened in 2011 and its first version had released in the same month. It had a built-in support for localization, views, sessions routing etc. Unfortunately, it did not provide support for controllers and hence could not be termed as a real MVC framework.

After the releases of Laravel 2, 3 and 4, its 5th version released in February 2015 instead of Laravel 4.3. The latest version of the framework, which is Laravel 5.6 - released on 7th February 2018. Now that you have known about Laravel framework and its evolution, let us take a look at some of its common features

The Benefit of Artisan

It comes with a built-in-tool for command line. Known as Artisan, it enables Laravel Application Development company developers to perform mundane programming tasks with ease. One can utilize these tools for creating skeleton code, database structure and build a migration system that enables easy management of database system. It is also possible to interlace it for generating basic MVC files through command line. Through Artisan, developers can create their own commands and work around with a lot of convenience.

Resourceful Template Engine

The lightweight templates of Laravel framework are what makes it so popular. They are developed in such a way that the developers can create simple layouts with unique sections. It enables developers to create impeccable layouts through dynamic content seeding. Also, there are multiple widgets with JS and CSS codes having robust structure.

Object Oriented Modules

Laravel comes with object oriented and pre-installed libraries which are rare to find in any other PHP frameworks. Its Authentication library comes with several latest features that include checking active users, password reset, CSRF - (Cross-site Request Forgery) protection, Bcrypt hashing and more. The framework has individual modules that make use of modern PHP principles using which a Laravel service provider can create responsive and modular applications.

Object Relational Mapping

Laravel has a fluent ORM which consists of a simple PHP Active Record implementation. It enables web developers to issue database queries with PHP syntax. Which means, they do not have to write prolonged SQL code. Each table in the database has a respective model using which the developer can interact with that table.

Migration System for Databases

Using Laravel Migration System, one can expand the structure of database of web application. It is possible to do so without any need to recreate every time developers change something. Thanks to this feature, there is minimum risk of losing data. The migration system not only offers the facility to change the database structure but also offers to do it by using PHP instead of SQL. Laravel Schema Builder also helps to create database tables easily.


This is the first prerequisite for any web application. The Framework offers a lot of security through salted and hashed password. This means that the password can never be saved as plain text in a database. It makes use of ‘Bcrypt hashing algorithm’ which generates an encrypted version of a password. Also, as this PHP based framework makes use of prepared SQL statements, it remains protected from injection attacks.


With the features mentioned above and many more, Laravel is soaring high as a website framework. Due to its unique architecture, it has also become popular amongst developers. If you’re planning to develop your website on this flexible platform, get in touch with an expert Laravel Application Development Company now!

Author Bio

Maulik Shah is the Founder and CEO of Biztech Consulting and Solutions, a fast growing IT solutions provider specializing in Laravel Development Company. Maulik is a tech enthusiast and writes about the various Aspects of ecommerce technology.

Author's Bio: 

Maulik Shah is the Founder and CEO of Biztech Consulting and Solutions, a fast growing IT solutions provider specializing in Laravel Development Company. Maulik is a tech enthusiast and writes about the various Aspects of ecommerce technology.