One of the crucial factors that determine smooth functioning of flex circuits is their designs. As a result of the perfect design, it enables the circuit to function in the severe settings. Not only this, it provides a number of other advantages which is why more and more people are opting for it without any second thoughts. Some of these advantages include withstanding vigorous flexible cycles, function perfectly in severe settings, decreasing excessive vibrations, etc.
Bend and stay, flexible circuit and dynamic flex are three categories of this item. When it comes to designing the flex circuits , all these three categories are governed by different design connotations. Additionally, they can be Dual Access Double-Sided, one- Sided and Rigid Flexes Multilayer. During the manufacturing process of these items, the materials that are ordinarily used are (PEN) or polyethylene naphthalene, polyimide (PI), and polyester (PET). These are not the only materials that are used and in some cases, other materials too are applied such as stainless steel, beryllium copper, constantan and gold. It has been found there are some manufacturing process where silver conductive ink, (ED) or high-elongation copper and (RA)roll-annealed copper is used.
While designing the flex PCB, giving importance to finished assembly becomes the natural choice. It is in this reference that special emphasis is given to designing the conductor layout. There is a strong reason why great importance is given to find the correct base material. For, this ensures improving design value, retain flexural characters and ensure reliability.
It may be noted, bend radius of flex PCB is something that determines this reliability. An accurate bend radius of thickness plays a great role in determining its success. As a standard rule, the bend radius is expected to be 1- times of the material thickness. Experts recommend avoiding making use of copper plating in areas coming within the purview of flexing.

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