In this article we are sharing some news and articles to brighten up your lockdown time.

For organic gardeners: we are sharing our own experience in no dig (no till) sustainable organic gardening: planting tomatoes in a natural easy way: (video available).

For beekeepers: know that Effective Microorganisms (bacteria) notably increase bee colonies productivity, as proved by my friend, beekeeper from Serbia:

For sustainable minds: learn how to use wooden press-barrels to make virgin cold-pressed oil yourself (linseed, pumpkin seed, sesame seed, walnut, hazelnut, pine nut etc).
Order wooden press-barrel made by Russian craft master here: All our organic oils are also made in this sustainable way.

For your inspiration: click on the link to enjoy beautiful art by Kumar Al'zhanov, the artist inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series: .

For eco-minded people: considering that lockdown is a great time for self-development, self-improvement, self-education we are sharing some online books, videos and courses on sustainability, self-sufficiency and permaculture

Naturally yours,Yury Smirnov, Eco-Minded Club

P.S. Please share with friends if you like these articles.

Author's Bio: 

Founder of Eco-Minded Club, organizer, guide and translator at Dolmen Tours and Vedic Russia spiritual Retreats. Here you can read more about my life path: