The Internet has become a vital component of any business marketing plan. Even if you are a locally based business and is solely word of mouth: a website and overall web presence is needed. People (your clients and prospects) use the Internet to vet their service and product providers. They will go to the Internet to learn more about you and your business. Demonstrate your expertise with a site that will give you credibility.

There are different types of websites depending upon your goals. One page sites or landing page has the sole purpose of collecting information, typically email and name. A sales page is focused on selling one service or product. A branding site is a more comprehensive site that reads more like a company brochure or information site. An e-commerce site or online store, is focused on selling products.

Initially, a branding site is what most businesses start with. There are many great web designers available to build sites, as well as many hosting companies that have site builder tools built in so that you can create your own site. You do want a professional appearance, but at the same time; it can be simple. Currently, I recommend building a blog site. A Word Press blog can look like a website but optimizes more easily because it is a blog. It also ties into your other social media easily. When building a Word Press blog you want to build it on your own domain with your own paid hosting account. I recommend and use for hosting. It is very affordable, support is accessible and it is dependable service.

The other piece of your web presence is your social media presence. Social media sites include: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,; and many, many more. To get started I highly recommend LinkedIn. It is a professional network and another place that people look to verify your credentials.. The second recommendation for people in the holistic field is Self Growth. Their focus is on personal development and wellness . On this site you can build an expert page and also build a network of contacts.

Creating a web presence can take time and managing social media accounts adds to that time. It is important to create a web strategy so that you are building a web presence that works for you. Take it one step at a time.

Donna Price is a Business Success Coach, working with companies on strategic planning, increasing revenue and company results, Internet marketing strategies, and social media marketing, building blogs and more. ; 973-948-7673.

Author's Bio: 

Learn additional strategies for building a high profit business from Donna Price, Business Success Coach, Author, Facilitator and Speaker at: or contact at: . Donna is the developer and author of "Bizology.Biz”.

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