Gas is a normal and natural by-product of a healthy digestive system. It needs to be released by the body otherwise you would pop like an over-filled balloon.

Usually, people fart between 5 and 15 times a day. This sounds like too much but most farts are odorless and unnoticeable. People usually feel they fart more than others but it’s not true.

You swallow air throughout the day while eating and drinking. Some gas is produced in the digestive system when the food is broken down that you eat. Usually, you pass out the swallowed air.

Farts are made of odourless vapor like carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and at times methane. Passing out gas is a normal process but can be inconvenient sometimes if you are around people.

Farting cannot be stopped completely but the amount of gas in the systems can be reduced.

• Take probioticsProbiotics are supplements that contain healthy bacteria that are already part of your digestive tract. These good bacteria help in breaking down the food and even break down the hydrogen gas produced during digestion. Do probiotics make you fart?

Generally, probiotics can increase gas and bloating that is short-lived. It gets reduced when the body gets habitual to the new bacteria intake by the probiotics supplement.

• Eat gently and wiselyThe gas is produced by the body is usually swallowed air. While it is not possible to entirely reduce the air, the amount of swallowing air can be reduced. You usually swallow more air if you eat fast.

Eating slowly with the mouth closed would reduce the amount of air you swallow. Avoid eating while walking , driving, or biking; rather choose one place to sit down and eat.

• Avoid chewing gumMost of the people chew gum to keep their breath fresh and odourless. These people produce more gas than others.

Chewing gum leads to swallowing air continuously that builds up in the stomach and increases the number of times you might far in a day.

• Decrease the consumption of gas-producing foodsSome types of foods like carbohydrates such as fructose, lactose, insoluble fiber and starch produce more gas than other eatables. These carbs ferment in the large intestine, causing digestive issues.

Most of the gas-producing foods are an important part of the diet which cannot be avoided completely. We should make an effort to reduce their consumption though. This includes-

 Complex sugars: Beans, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, whole grains, sorbitol, and other vegetables.
 Fructose: Onions, pears, soft drinks, fruit juice, and other fruits.
 Lactose: All dairy products including milk, cheese, and ice cream.
 Insoluble fiber: Oat bran, peas, and beans.
 Starches: Potatoes, pasta, wheat, and corn.

People experiencing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) should choose a low-FODMAP diet (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols).

• Check for food intolerance and allergiesFood intolerance is different from an allergy. Some people are sensitive to a different kind of food and aren’t able to digest them efficiently. This leads to gas and other symptoms such as bloating, nausea and diarrhoea.

If a person has an excessive gas problem, they must follow an elimination diet . This is kind of a diet where a person has to cut down gas-producing foods. The list is mentioned in the above point.

• Intake good amount of fluidsIt is important to stay hydrated that helps in passing the waste throughout the digestive system smoothly. This will soften the stool and makes the bowel movement regular.

Lack of fluid can lead to constipation that causes smelly fart. Try drinking a glass of water with every meal to improve digestion.

• Treat the constipationA poop contains tons of bacteria that stay in the colon for a longer period and continue to ferment. This fermentation process produces gas that is often smelly.

Constipation can be treated by increasing water consumption. Increase fiber intake by consuming fruits and vegetables, fiber supplements like Metamucil or probiotics.

Probiotics can be consumed from the food you eat or taking a probiotic supplement. Probiotic foods include yogurt, fermented foods such as sauerkraut, Kombucha, kefir, and prebiotics such as garlic, onions, and leeks.

Some of the best probiotics for treating constipation and bloating gas issue are-

1. Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12®This is the best-researched probiotic that alleviates constipation and bloating gas. This was tried in the labs to assess the people suffering from constipation.

People were divided into 3 groups: The first group was given 10 billion CFU of B. lactis BB-12® daily, the second group was given 1 billion CFU of B. lactis BB-12® daily and the third group was given a placebo, for 4 weeks.

In the B. lactis BB-12® groups, defecation frequency increased compared with the placebo group.

2. Bifidobacterium lactis HN019This was given to people diagnosed with constipation and bloating gas. There were 3 groups where each group was given either 10 billion of B. lactis HN019, 1 billion of B. lactis HN019 or a placebo daily for 28 days.

The symptoms of constipation were diagnosed during and after the trial. For the first 2 groups, stool frequency increased as compared to the placebo group.

3. Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010Based on the clinical studies, this has helped in relieving constipation and bloating gas problems. The frequency of stool increases with drinking Bifidobacterium lactis DN-173 010 in a combination of 375 grams of fermented milk.

4. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG®This strain of probiotic bacteria is known for health benefits that reduce constipation and bloating gas. With its usage, the stool frequency increases in constipated individuals. It needs to be consumed with prebiotic fiber for effective results.

Constipation and bloating gas is a common issue that affects the quality of life. The symptoms can be improved with some probiotic strains. Consuming probiotics do make you poop a lot and helps you lead a healthier life.

Probiotics are the key for a healthy gut but does its consumption help you in your bowel movement as well?

Yes, probiotics help in strengthening your digestive system and can help people who face issue in pooping daily. It has shown great improvement in the lifestyle of people who were suffering from constipation caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Probiotics are not laxatives and their purpose is not to stimulate bowel movement. It regulates the bowel movement by improving gut microbiome or good bacteria in the digestive tract. To get the best results, consume probiotics regularly. What happens when you stop taking probiotics?

With probiotics, you will not have side effects of the usual drugs: tolerance and dependence. Tolerance is a continuous need for increasing the drug dosage to maintain the results. Dependence is the necessity of the medication and if stopped, might worsen physical health.

Probiotics are not as addictive as the other medications. If stopped, it will not have any side effects as experienced in other drug withdrawal.

Probiotics help in various digestive system issues and stopping usage of them might cause the issues to reoccur. Some of the issues that might occur, if probiotics are stopped-

• In cases of diarrheaProbiotics relieve the symptoms of diarrhea. If stopped, there will be a huge amount of liquid in every bowel movement and sweep the gut from gut microbiota.

• Clostridium difficile infectionsThis type of infection is not easy to treat. Probiotics supplements provide useful healthy bacteria that can replace Clostridium difficile. It will not be a good idea to discontinue probiotics and consult the doctor once.

• Already taking or starting antibioticsProbiotics are recommended if you are already taking or about to start antibiotics. It helps in reducing the antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Discontinuing probiotics will not protect against the side effects of antibiotics.

• Suffering from gastrointestinal diseasesIf you are suffering from chronic diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, probiotics supplements are always prescribed. Quitting the probiotics will increase the symptoms again.

Probiotics are recommended for treating many forms of diseases and are considered as a part of therapy. If you want to stop probiotics, always consult with your doctor for alternatives to treat your digestive system.

Probiotics improve or resolve problems existing outside the intestinal tract such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It also plays a key role in detoxifying and regulation of the immune system.

Taking high-quality probiotics helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a sturdy digestive system, and a strong body and mind.

Author's Bio: 

Rahul Songire is a Founder of Mission Health 365 and love to write health and wellness, Traveling article.