Our society today has advanced so far that we now find ourselves with an excess of wealth, in relative terms, that means we generally can indulge our appetites for the finest foods or even tons of fast food that grandparents or even our parents were not able to access. Additionally, new time-saving and effort saving devices mean that we generally do not get anywhere near the levels of exercise we should.
As a consequence, we are finding our waistlines growing larger every year. This is due to that lack of exercise and the abundance of high-fat, high sugar foods we can take in whenever we want. This is the case even in the lower socioeconomic levels of society, where many children are learning bad eating habits that are gained when high-fat, inexpensive foods are placed in front of them. A bowl of macaroni and cheese and a sugary soda may become a regular part of their lives, mainly because they are so inexpensive to procure.

In men, especially when they are not getting exercise and are eating several high-fat, high calorie meals a day, the problem is becoming especially acute. Elevated blood sugar levels are becoming the norm on almost a 24/7 basis. Because of this, many men are walking around in a pre-diabetic state even though they may not know it. Eventually, most doctors say, almost everyone who is pre-diabetic, meaning that they have blood sugar levels that are above the normal range but not yet at the point where they are truly diabetic, will in fact developed type II diabetes.
This medical condition is clearly avoidable in almost every case and is considered by medical professionals to now be a disease of wealth, relatively speaking. People who develop type II diabetes are at risk for issues that can adversely affect the heart, kidneys and eyes among other organs. If left untreated or not controlled, type II diabetes can eventually lead to death

Erectile Dysfunction Stemming From Diabetes

Men can suffer certain specific medical conditions related to diabetes that women do not, fortunately, have to experience. One of these is the fact that many males who suffer from diabetes will also suffer from erectile dysfunction. This medical condition (known as ED) is very common in male sufferers of diabetes. This is mainly due to nerve damage and diseases in the blood vessels that supply blood to the spongiferous tissue of the penis.

Erectile dysfunction may in fact be the first symptom in men who are beginning to slip into actual diabetes. For sure, it is probably the single most common symptom that chases men into the doctor’s office. It is well known in the medical community that men suffer more often from the ill effects brought on by disease conditions because they tend to ignore their medical issues until those issues become extreme.

Diabetes can lead to ED through a couple of processes. Elevated blood sugar levels in the body cause the same kinds of nerve damage and blood vessel damage in the penis that it does in other parts of the body. Diabetes and heart disease are also inextricably linked due to a number of reactions taking place in the body as a result of diabetes that has a direct impact on the heart. Erectile dysfunction occurs in men with diabetes and heart disease at a rate nine times greater than in men with neither condition.

This is why men suffering from this disease are advised to have their doctors screen them not only for heart disease but also for diabetes. Additionally, there are a number of factors related to diabetes that can lead to ED. For a fact, the longer a male has diabetes the greater the chance will be that he runs across these conditions. Those who do not work to control excess sugar levels in their blood stream will also end up causing damage to their blood vessels and nerves than in those who work to control it in the first place.

Generally, for those with diabetes, there are a range of medications and drugs that can help to address the erectile dysfunction itself while the patient works to inculcate healthy habits that can address the diabetic condition on its own. Perhaps the most well-known drug that can help a male with his ED problem is the little blue pill known as Viagra. Two other drugs in the same class include Levitra and Cialis.

The drugs work in similar ways, though each is distinguished by the length of time that they are effective more than by anything else. All have similar side effects as well. Before taking such medications, men suffering from diabetes should work closely with their doctors in order to make sure they are on the right medication that is appropriate for their lifestyle and the particular need they may have for each particular medication.

Lately, there has been a fourth kind of drug that works differently than the other three noted above. It works on the brain and the nervous system to cause an erection to develop. It is not yet available in the United States, though people in Europe and Latin America have access to it. The federal Food and Drug Administration is overseeing clinical trials in conjunction with certain pharmaceutical companies to assess its suitability for the American market.

If men need a reason to pay close attention to their diabetes, they should stop and think about how the medical condition can affect sexual function and how it can interfere with the relationships they have with their significant others in ways more numerous than just sexual. What is for certain, though, is that diabetes itself is among one of the most preventable medical conditions around.

Men are better served by working to prevent or control elevated levels of blood sugar through a concerted effort at getting just a little bit of exercise throughout the week and also paying attention to their dietary habits . Men who are willing to make the lifestyle and dietary changes necessary report that incidences of erectile dysfunction seem to be greatly reduced, as their overall health and ability to control their blood sugar improves.

To find the right advice for your diet and LifeStyle connect with a qualified health practitioner who is specialized in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine.

Author's Bio: 

Did you know that today we can find footprints of toxins within our bodies including petrochemicals, heavy metals, pesticides and organic solvents? And that we can uncover our exact deficiencies in fatty acids, amino acids, trace elements, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins?

This comes from a very unique approach that applies a specific science as the critical component in delivering personalized health maintenance to my clients. And this has become my passion.

My own health is what has driven me to become supremely qualified as a holistic health practitioner.The journey began in 1984, when I first understood that the mind-body-soul connection is the key to vibrant health. It is called psycho-neuro–immunology. My path of discovery has been an exciting one and, at almost 70, I marvel at how it has worked to keep me focused, healthy and dynamic.

Helping people to understand how they can take charge of their own health has become my main priority. Hence, the educational process which shows others what is challenging their health and how to change is a rewarding process for both parties.

My education in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine with ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine www.acnem.org ) started in 1999 and continues to this day as the understanding of the human body magnifies. If you click on the practitioners tab on their site, you will find me listed under Western Australia.

By 2002 I was involved in looking at pathology profiles with completely different eyes. It deepened my understanding of certain scientific laboratory technologies that can define and suggest how to rectify health imbalances before they mature into full-fledged disease.

Today we pinpoint dysfunctions in human physiology by measuring imbalances in digestion, hormones, acid stress, inflammation, calcium metabolism, oxidative stress, connective tissue strength and protein metabolism.

What all those big words mean is that, through specific technologies, I can help you get beyond individual symptoms so you can see the overall picture and dramatically improve your feeling of well-being.

To help me work even more effectively, I have invested in acquiring greater communication tools. In 1999, I obtained my qualifications as a Certified Master Practitioner in NLP and Certified Advanced Eriksonian Hypnosis.

I trained under Terry McGlendon whose program is endorsed by the Royal College of General Practitioners and Applied Psychology in Australia. He is the only Australian to be part of the original group that studied with highly esteemed co-developers Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder from its inception in 1972.
Are you interested in what the underlying causes are of snoring, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, certain depressions, excessive tiredness and other health challenges? The list goes on and on. And all of them are symptoms that can be addressed with what it is I do.
For more information, go to http://www.HelenaEderveen.com