Recurring dreams indicate that the dreamer is postponing an important obligation. This obligation is related to his or her psychological development. By postponing this important obligation, the dreamer will have to face bitter consequences in the future.

The truth is that all recurring dreams indicate danger, even when they are not nightmares. If the dreamer doesn’t do something important or necessary in his or her life, he or she will face tragic future consequences. The dreamer must follow the unconscious guidance in the dream messages in order to prevent what is bad. When the recurring dreams are nightmares, this means that the dreamer must prevent very dangerous situations.

Let’s begin by determining the meaning of a recurring nightmare.

Kathy believes that she has a normal life and that she should feel fine. However, she has the following recurring nightmare:

She lives in a big house with her parents. She feels fine near them. There are also many cats everywhere in the house. However, all cats suddenly die at the same time when the night arrives. At this point, she wakes up with a horrible feeling.

All dream images have a symbolic meaning.

A house in dreams represents the dreamer’s psyche.

The dreamer’s mother represents her anti-conscience, the wild side of her conscience that didn’t evolve like the human side of her conscience.

Her father in dreams represents her under-developed and one-sided human conscience that needs development in order to become really balanced.

The dreamer feels fine near her parents, while they are negatively influencing her behavior . Her father represents her absurd human conscience because it is one-sided. Her mother represents the even more absurd anti-conscience that is violent, immoral, and cruel. Kathy represents her ego in her dreams. This means that her ego feels fine for being influenced by absurdity. In other words, she feels comfortable for having an absurd behavior , as if it was not harmful.

Cats in dreams indicate that the dreamer is making foolish mistakes and must smarten up. Since all cats die, this means that the dreamer’s intelligence will be seriously damaged due to her attitude .

The night in dreams represents an unknown truth. Since all cats die at night, this means that when the dreamer will have to face an unknown truth, she will completely lose her intelligence. In other words, she will become a victim of a very bad situation. She may be betrayed or obliged to accept doing what is against her beliefs.

We have to know more details about Kathy’s life. She says that she has a boyfriend, but she is not really sure if she loves him or not. However, he is very kind to her, and she feels fine near him. Now we understand her mistake. She is having an absurd attitude because she is accepting a relationship that is bad for her (she feels comfortable near her one-sided human conscience - her father, and near her evil and crazy anti-conscience – her mother). Since the dreamer is acting out of the worst parts of her personality, this means that Kathy is not paying attention to the consequences of her actions.

Thus, the recurring nightmare is a warning. If she marries a man she doesn’t really love, she will be imprisoned in a tragic situation. She will come to the point of hating him after feeling constantly frustrated for being with the wrong person. She has to look for her perfect match instead of insisting on a relationship that is not the ideal one for her.

If you have recurring nightmares like Kathy, you must seriously translate their meaning. By translating all dream images into words that your conscious mind can understand, you’ll learn how to prevent what is bad in your life in order to make it better.

You should follow the unconscious guidance in your dreams in order to avoid falling into traps and facing tragic situations. You’ll stop seeing repetitive bad dreams once you stop being indifferent to all the dangers that are threatening your peace of mind and happiness . Your next dreams will help you completely transform your personality, so that you may find real happiness in life.

Author's Bio: 

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to accurately translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

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