In your everyday life, you may get impatient with the person on the highway in front of you, the checkout attendant at the grocery store and the car in front of you who ordered the ultra-supreme wash that takes twenty minutes. Watching the clock in the mid-afternoon, wishing it was five o’clock and time to go home. The minds tell you that you would be happier somewhere else, you are going to be late or, worse yet, someone is going to be mad that you kept them waiting. You forget that there is nothing you can do to escape the situation that is causing the delay. Instead, you are immediately triggered into stress, becoming angry and frustrated.
You may not be able to control events in your life, but you are always in charge of how you feel about them. It takes some conditioning, but you can change the way you react if you slow down. The next time you are confronted with the idea that something needs to move a little faster, stop and pay attention to the chatter in your mind. Take a few deep breaths and count to ten. Look at the situation again with a clear head and ask yourself, is this really worth bringing me out of joy? The more you do this, the more frequent your conditioned responses will be out of peace instead of frustration.
You can recreate your reactions to the obstacles in life. The only reason you get angry is that things didn’t occur as you expected. Be open to the unexpected and be willing to go with the flow. Being inflexible and rigid causes tension, opening to whatever life brings can help you move through perceived roadblocks with ease. I am not talking about ignoring your feelings, but embrace the ups and downs of life. Just like a leaf rolling down a river, you can float along the rough waters over and around the rocks and land peacefully into a placid pond.
A good practice is to meditate or use self-hypnosis relaxation every day to help your mind access the deeper calm within you so you can easily draw it up through the day whenever you need it. Knowing that somewhere inside of you is that peaceful pond that you can just sink into will carry you over the rocks and turbulence of your daily life and remind you that you are already home.
Debra Berndt, CHt, the World's No. 1 Love Hypnotist has helped thousands of singles transform their love lives using the same techniques that helped her attract true love. An internationally-recognized hypnosis expert, she has been interviewed by, MSN, Lavalife, Complete Woman, and and has been featured extensively on local and national television and radio. She is the author of "Let Love In: How to Open Your Heart and Mind to Attract Your Ideal Partner" (Wiley) in stores on March 1, 2010. She is the host of the Love Hypnotist Show on BlogTalkRadio and dating expert on Examiner and She also writes for her popular dating advice blog, Berndt has a private practice in New York City where she specializes in working with single women over 35 years of age who are searching for love.