American Credit Consultant is a nationally recognized, federally approved, non-profit, tax exempt organization. As a leader in the debt management and financial consulting arena, our professionally trained counselors have assisted thousands of families across the United States.

The Advantages:

No More Harassing Phone Calls
Reduced Monthly payments of up to 50%
Lower Interest Rates
No More Late or Over-Limit Fees
One Affordable Monthly Payment
Fast Reduction of Debt
Improved Credit Rating

Once You Decide To Join Our Program we immediately go to work on your behalf. Through years of building solid relationships with hundreds of creditors throughout the country, we have the bargaining power to get your interest rates significantly reduced and many times even eliminated. In most cases we can have late and over limit fees waived as well. This saves you thousands of dollars in interest and years of payments.

Let’s use a typical example: Say you have about $20,000 in unsecured debt and you’re paying minimum monthly payments or slightly above on your accounts. At the average interest rates charged by many creditors, it could take you as long as 20 to 30 years to pay off these debts. This is because most of the money you’re sending is being used to pay the interest, with little being applied to the debt itself. On our Debt Management Program, with your reduced interest rates, you could be sending one convenient, low monthly payment and be completely out of debt in as little as 3 to 4 years. Saving YOU Thousands of Dollars!

Once in the Program you send one easy monthly payment and they are deposited into a trust and security account. Every month we disburse the payments to each of your individual creditors. You’ll continue to receive statements from your creditors. These are NOT bills. These are simply to show you that your debts are being paid. We’re sure that you will be pleasantly surprised as these statements begin to reflect your vanishing debts!

Things you should know: To enter our Debt Management Program, there are a few restrictions. These are imposed by your creditors as a condition of your lowered interest rates and the waiving of late and overlimit fees. The accounts you choose to place under consolidation must be closed. Your creditors will not permit further charges on these accounts after lowering or eliminating the interest rates. Also, you may not apply for any new AT&T Universal card while in the program. You can, however, keep one or more reliable credit cards of your choosing out of the program and continue using them. The program should not affect any cards you choose to keep and you continue sending your payments directly to those creditors yourself.

Still Have Questions?
Go directly to our Online Debt Analysis Form. You can fill out this form and we will generate an instant proposal just for you. If you like the results, you can even enroll right online. But of course, you are under no obligation to do so. If you prefer, you may speak to one of our Debt Management Counselors in person by calling 800-603-8045. We’re always happy to assist you in any way possible. The call, like the Online Analysis, is free, confidential, and without obligation.HOW IT WORKS

Last year, Andrew and Jane Public took a vacation, bought a much needed new refrigerator, and paid some mounting medical bills all on car credit cards. In doing so, they incurred $10,000, of debt that they had intended to pay off over time.

Like many Americans, they only paid the monthly minimum amount due. They may not realize that it may take them 33 years to repay the $10,000 and they will accumulate as much as $16,000 in interest. The total cost of their debt could reach $26,000!

Earlier this year Jane had to leave work for two months on maternity leave. During this time the couple juggled their bill payments and found themselves falling behind.

As a result, their creditors raised their minimum payments, charged them late fees, and penalties. Some creditors even raised their interest rates as a penalty for delinquencies. Now, even though Jane is back to work, they still can not afford the larger minimum payments. In addition, whatever payments they do send in do not seem to get them anywhere. SOUND FAMILIAR?

Like Andrew and Jane, millions of Americans carry a substantial balance on their care credit cards. A temporary job loss, the birth of a child or illness can send some individuals into an overwhelming cycle of late payments, collection calls, and fees.

Many of us know the devastating feeling of sinking into the seemingly unrecoverable tailspin of bad finances. Our Debt Management Program can help you stop drowning in debt.

If you are having financial trouble and are behind, or about to be behind on your monthly payments, Best credit repair services can help. Our service can organize your debts into one low monthly payment, significantly reduce or eliminate interest charges, and help you restore your Miami car credit rating. If you feel this program would be of service to you, contact a counselor by E-Mail or call 800-SAVE-ME-2(800-603-8045).

There are many difficulties and traumas connected with overextended finances and money problems, but there is hope!

Begin implementing and constructing new habits that will lead you to financial freedom . Credit repair specialist can take your outstanding unsecured bills, consolidate them, and negotiate an affordable payment schedule to satisfy your creditors, while keeping within your budget.HOW IT WORKS
Our Program

The Advantages of Our Program Can Be:

Lower, more affordable monthly payments.Eliminated or lowered interest and penalty assessments!

Lowered interest means more money is applied to the principal.

Debt free sooner! Most members are out of debt in 3 to 5 years. Your bills are paid off sooner, saving you thousands of dollars and years of payments.

Improved debt to income ratio.

Stop harassing phone calls from creditors.

Improved credit rating. We attempt to re-age past due accounts to a current status; this has an immediate positive impact on your credit wise rating.

Convenience. Consolidating all unsecured debts through our organization means you only have to make one payment per month and have one place to send it.

Buying now and paying later can lead to financial captivity. The overuse of readily available credit and the widespread lack of personal savings has placed an unparalleled number of American families on the brink of financial disaster.HOW IT WORKS
Types of Debt

What Debts can be credit repair services in the Debt Management Program?

Any unsecured debts may be included in the Debt Management Program. This means any debt without collateral used for security that could be repossessed (such as a house or automobile) if payments are not made.
Consolidating Debts

American Credit Consultant's Debt Management Program is designed for individuals with unsecured debts (any debt without collateral for security) that have become unmanageable. Sometimes people are unable to make the required monthly payments on all of their outstanding bills. If bills are skipped or paid late, creditors may raise interest rates and add late charges each month, making it impossible to catch up.

Our program focuses on bill consolidation, lowering monthly payment commitments, and negotiating lower interest charges. Our clients generally see a 25-50% monthly savings from interest rates.

After we examine your financial profile, we determine if there is adequate income to sustain a budget based on an adjusted payment plan. If you qualify, we set up an affordable payment schedule to satisfy your creditors and a fix my Credit Consultants payment allowing you to save money each month and finish paying your debts years sooner.

American Credit associates professionally trained accountants negotiate with creditors to arrange reduced payments. Program participants pay a set amount to American Creditassociates's surety and trust account. The payments are sent to your creditors monthly and as months pass and the interest charges are reduced you'll start to see your debt dissipate.
Your Credit Report

How Would The Program Affect My Credit Report?

For individuals having difficulty with bills, enrollment in our program typically improves their carecreditpro rating. When you participate in our Debt Management Program most creditors will bring delinquent accounts "current" after receiving three consecutive payments arranged and paid through our agency. The process may vary with each creditor and type of account.Image

In addition, because debts are satisfied years sooner through this program, your debt to income ratio is reduced faster. Your debt to income ratio is an important component of your covington credit rating and it must be in line for you to qualify for any type of credit, including homes and cars.

Members are not permitted to use credit cards that are in consolidation, until the program is completed. Once the debt is paid off, members may request and obtain their charging privileges again. It is up to the discretion of creditors to reinstate charging privileges to members, however most creditors will reissue.

Author's Bio: 

I am Mike Thomson,i am from from karachi pakistan. i am a content writer