Confidence can be found when you learn to become present and discover your “Inner Self Leadership”, that place that is full of confidence, wisdom, compassion, non-judgment, love, and strength. From this place, you will get to know the parts of yourself that hold the fears and anxiety and hijack you from living from this place of confidence.

Some days I find myself spiraling into thoughts that sabotage my ability to be productive and in fact make me feel like I’m no good and will never amount to anything. I have officially been hijacked from an inner part of me that is crying out to be heard and loved. I stop. From a place of compassion, I listen to the pain of this inner part. From a place of curiosity, I find out about the needs of this part. When my part has been seen, heard and loved, it may be ready to let go of feeling not good enough and instead tap into how it really wants to positively support me in my life. I feel more spacious, centered and discover my inner “Self Leadership” bringing me back to feeling confident and ready for anything.

If I don’t stop and take time to be with this part, my thoughts may spiral out of control. To help myslef be centered and led by my inner Self, it’s important for me to use practices that bring awareness to my thoughts (parts)separate from the essence that is me. Try these two practices to tap into your inner “Self Leadership” and discover your confidence grow.

1.Begin a practice of meditation . This doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply take time every day to stop and be still. Now, bring your attention to your body. Release, relax and allow the breath to begin to flow through you. If you notice a thought, simply notice it and then let it go without judgment. Go back to focusing on the breath. This practice helps you to get in touch with your calm, centered inner place that is not stuck in the past or worried about the future.

2.Take time everyday to connect with nature. Again, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Just look outside your window and connect to the sky, trees, plants, mountains, rivers, lakes or whatever is present. Be with the still, calm, presence of nature. Soften, breath and know that you are one with nature. It’s not about what you do, what you accomplish…you are loved as you are.

3.Slow down. Allow yourself to pause, to let go of the need to rush, smile and bring in compassion for yourself. Be present with what you are doing in the moment. If your mind wonders off, bring it back to the job at hand.

Practice these skills....and see your Inner Self leadership, that is full of confidence grow!

Author's Bio: 

Sally Bonkrude, creator of PostiveInnerChange is a professional speaker that presents the tools to overcome fear, anxiety, stress and how to speak from a place of inner self leadership. Sally also offers trainings and coaching to business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to deliver a confident, and dynamic message. Sally is an expert on body language, vocal projection, reading an audience and authentic, confident speaking.