Do you create long and short-term goals?
Do you write down your goals or intentions?
Do you create a blueprint for your day?

As a success coach, I help individuals create and implement goals. Whether I am coaching a person about a life goal or an executive about leadership goals, I see the extraordinary results people get when they are clear, focused and on purpose.

Clear: (the target) Know what you want to happen in your life based on your desires and values. Create a specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound goal—SMART.

Focused: (the bow and arrow) Set the intention and keep it in your consciousness so that you stay in purposeful action. You will have fewer distractions and accomplish your goal faster.

Purpose: (the archer) Your goal becomes filled with meaning and excitement when you know what having it means to you. You will feel satisfied and empowered.

One of my written goals in 2015 was to become involved in an organization where I could offer my talents and make a difference. The middle of the year I was asked to join the leadership team of my coaching association to do a specific task. I said yes and have been surprised by how much fun I am having. I get feedback from other leaders that my contribution is valued. When I created the goal, I had no idea what it would look like, but Life knew where it wanted me.

The beginning of a New Year is an ideal time to ask yourself what you would like to accomplish by the end of the year. This brief activity may be helpful:

List five things you want to accomplish in 2016. If an objective is not filled with passion and purpose, eliminate it. If you have less than three, more may come to you later. Ask yourself these questions for each objective:
• What personal values does it serve? (autonomy, prosperity , partnership, service, order)
• What personal gain will you have when it is accomplished? (job, relaxation , friendship )
• What is the downside if you do not accomplish it? (financial stress, clutter, fatigue)
• Will your resources—attention, time, energy, money and people—support it? (I have the money and time I need to join a fitness center.)

This simple exercise provides you with the motivation , meaning and momentum you need to accomplish your objectives with ease.

Creating and accomplishing goals is easiest when you
• create a clear, specific goal that is compelling to you;
• use your personal resources wisely;
• take actions that move you toward your goal, not away from it; and
• overcome resistance and obstacles by focusing on the benefits of your goal

If you want to make certain that you successfully accomplish your goals, write them down. The New Year’s resolution statistic are dismal: 25 percent of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after one week; 60 percent after six months. But, there is hope for accomplishing goals: Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology profession at Dominican University in California, found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.

I invite you to create goals, especially at the beginning of a New Year, and write them down. Written goals hold you accountable and are markers for celebration. My advice when creating goals is to make them doable so that you get to celebrate success often. That means short-term goals leading to a long-term goal and be sure your personal goals reflect what is important to you. When your goals and accomplishments reflect your core values, your life feels worthwhile.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Miniere, M.Ed., is life and wellness coach, certified Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner, Amazon best-selling author and speaker. She is a former holistic mental health counselor and has been helping people transform themselves and their lives for over 30 years. Her website is .