For many who work in the city or any office, coffee has become a firm favorite. Espresso, cappuccino, or instant coffee are the favorite caffeine fix of the people to start off their day. For others, coffee is already an addiction and it takes more than just a cup of coffee to make them feel keyed up throughout the day. In life, addiction to something is never good. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant. The caffeine in coffee gives a boost to your metabolism, which can increase your energy level. This action can aid in weight loss . The stimulant effect of coffee can also affect our brain function. Thus, is coffee good or bad to human mental health? Now let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of coffee.

Studies confirmed that drinking coffee can lower the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. They show that, compared to non coffee drinkers, those people who were heavy coffee drinkers were less likely to develop Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Coffee can help a person keep a cool head at times because the caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system inside the brain and bring you the sensation of clear thinking and refresh your brain, so as to improve work efficiency. This is the main reason why so many office workers feel they cannot live without coffee.

There is also reason to believe that coffee helps fight cancer. Like tea, it contains anti-oxidant chemicals and so can help reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer. It is also sometimes viewed as acting like an anti-depressant. For some people, it can alleviate mood swings and make the brain stay alert.
What's more is that, coffee can also make people happy and full of spirit, and in some cases, it can relieve depression . Although coffee has a lot of benefits to human mental health, for every high, there is also a low and there is no exception in the case of coffee. The disadvantages of coffee are mainly as follows.

It may increase the risk of suffering from some diseases. If women frequently drink a large amount of coffee, it will increase the risk of suffering from myocardial infarction and it is addictive. Too much caffeine consumption can cause an addiction to occur. Thus, it is better to drink coffee moderately and avoid this habit. One should also know that even if coffee relieves depression , it can also be related to the cause of it. Not only that, coffee has been known to cause nervousness. Too much coffee can cause indigestion, an increase in blood pressure, heart problems, constipation and other health issues.

In general, coffee has advantages as well as disadvantages to human mental health. When you sensibly analyze the pros and cons of drinking coffee, the conclusion is that it is only harmful when consumed in high amounts. Moderation is the key to getting the helpful health benefits of coffee. Do not drink too much; otherwise it may bring an addiction, a reliance, or harm to your mental health. So be sure to drink coffee beverages in moderation and do not treat it as a hobby. This way, you can drink and get the health benefits of it.

Author's Bio: 

Jason is the creator of Do not despair if you suffer mental health problems. There are lots of helpful resources available. For further information, check out: curing panic attacks where you can find information on a range of methods panic cure .