The top question we get at our busy Live Expert Help area of our web
site ( ) where we answer youth professionals'
queries on almost any topic, is "How do I get kids-- especially
hard-to-manage ones-- to behave?" Teachers and other educators
are especially troubled that their training has not even begun
to prepare them to manage the severe misbehavior that they see
more and more every year. But, we hear from youth professionals and
para-professionals from all disciplines, that their training has
not "kept up" with the changes in the kids. Those of you in
the trenches consistently tell us your training prepared you
to work with Beaver Cleaver, but Beavis and Butthead continue
to show up.

Here at Youth Change, we have spent the last 13 years attempting
to prepare youth professionals for Beavis and Butthead-- or
whoever is assigned to your classroom or case load. Through our
general session, on-site and video classes, we attempt to update
youth professionals' skills to fit contemporary youth. This internet
magazine is part of that effort, and we want to see how we-- and
you-- are doing. So, get ready, here is a pop quiz to see if you
have been paying attention to this ezine the past couple years.
Let's find out if you have the updated skills youth professionals
need to best work with contemporary youth.

This is not an open book quiz so you can't go and try to
find the information somewhere. When that fist is
heading towards your face, you will need these answers ready-to-go,
so let's simulate some of the surprise and pressure you face every
day, and have you take this quiz right now. To maximize the pressure,
allow yourself just 3 minutes. To make this quiz work best, we want
you to feel some of the stress and pressure you face each day, and see
if the information you need, will be there when you need it.

1. Often, discipline doesn't seem to work. What are
the 3 areas that you must teach before discipline can

2. Counselors have a special mental health term to describe
your most severely misbehaved kid. You must work with this
child differently than all others. Name the term and one
way you must work differently. Hint: This answer is all
over our web site and workshops. Do you know it?

3. What are the only 3 ways kids can respond to an adult
direction, and which is the only one that works? Hint:
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink...

4. If you work in a school setting, you may see a lot of sour,
negative attitudes. One way to begin to chip away at the
attitudes is to show students the importance of school. So,
how much more does a high school grad earn than a
dropout in their lifetime? Hint: Look at the posters on our
web site for the answer. It's a 6 digit number.

5. School shootings are among the scariest possibilities that
school staff face. Three types of kids may be at highest risk
of such serious behavior and must be offered the highest degree
of supervision. Remembering this information is critical.
Name the 3 types of kids. Hint: Our "Must Know Violence
Prevention" article in our Solution Center at
our site delivers the answer.

6. Teachers often want ways to provide conflict resolution
but we offer something better. Name it.

7. Name the youngster that you must never give second chancesto, and describe why it could be dangerous. Hint: See Question #2.

If you don't know the answers, that may give you one explanation
for why your classroom or group poses serious management
problems. Your training didn't give you real-world methods for
today's youth. The answers are below, but visit our site for details
and to update your skills to fit contemporary students. Working
with difficult students doesn't have to be so difficult with our
updated answers:

1. Skills, motivation and attitude
2. Conduct disorder
3. Be oppositional, capitulate or comply (acceptance)
4. Get the answer (and some great interventions) by
looking at these awesome motivation posters:
5. Conduct disorder, thought disorder, extreme agitated depressed
6. Conflict prevention
7. Conduct disorder-- read our "Must Know Violence
Prevention" article at our site (link above) to find out
why this is so very dangerous-- a short sentence can't
do justice to this serious safety issue.

Our staff training workshop can come to your school and
provide all the answers you need. Get free sample
materials, 100s of free, dynamic interventions,
and our free Problem Student Problem-Solver magazine at
our site, . Plus, you can find your
solution to your worst student problems. We also have
surprisingly different, must-see posters, books , instant
ebooks, audio books , workshops and free Live Expert
Help. For further information on this article or Youth
Change's top-rated resources, call 1-800-545-5736.

Author's Bio: 

Youth Change Workshops provides teacher and counselor professional development inservice training plus books, posters, distance learning, ebooks, and a huge website full of free lesson plans, thousands of strategies and classroom management solutions.