As the temperatures drop rapidly, what’s irking you more? The freezing cold outdoors or the dry, warm centrally heated air that’s damaging your skin and hair indoors? Have you known that dry indoor heat can damage your hair in many ways? It can make the strands brittle and prone to breakage. Before you end up with split ends and hair fall, Chez Alvi Aveda Salon NYC has some suggestions from their expert stylists to prevent winter hair woes.

Ways to Tackle Winter Hair Woes:

  • We recommend using Anti-Dandruff or Dry Shampoo

We use much more shampoo for the summer, but winter months need more gentle care. Dry skin flakes on a dehydrated scalp can cause itching and hair breakage. The trick is to know your hair type and use the right shampoo to moisturize well. For dandruff issues, use an anti-dandruff remedy. Anti-dandruff shampoo brands, especially from Aveda Salon NYC, are effective for both oily and fine hair because they deep cleanse without leaving the hair limp. For limp, oily hair, use dry shampoo to increase volume and expand the hair shaft.

  • Use the Oil-Based Moisturizer

Frequent blow drying after washing hair can damage the roots and dry out the scalp. Prevent breakage from dry hair by treating the scalp to extra moisture. It's known that all hair types benefit from moisture-rich serums – natural, curly, wavy, limp and thick strands. But we recommend using an oil-based moisturizer. This because it's heavier than usual layers the hair with a protective coat, leaving it shining and hydrated.

  • Always do Weekly Treatments

You have to know that hair shafts dry out in the winter season not as much from the cold air outdoors than the warm, dry air indoors. This is when a good hair conditioner can come to your rescue. It resuscitates limp hair when you leave it on for 20-30 minutes to allow the moisture to seep in from the roots. Better still, When you come to our salon and our hair care specialist nourish your hair for you. They know how to evaluate your hair texture, selecting just the right brand like Aveda Salon NYC to bring it to life.

  • Hydrating Hair Care Products

If your hair is frizzy or the fine strands float in the air, you know it’s severely dry. Use a hydrating shampoo but try not to wash your hair too frequently. Instead, rinse with warm water and use a leave-in conditioner that soaks into the dry strands. Use a hairbrush with wooden handles built with stiff, wide bristles to reduce static. A blow-dryer with ionic technology helps seals in moisture. Stay away from alcohol-based styling products, hair products containing harsh chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS) or aerosol hair sprays. These dry out your hair. Chez Alvi Hair Salon recommends to Use a gel-based hold that moisturizes your hair instead.

  •  Style Your Hair with Care

Take care to keep your hair away from clothing. In this way, you reduce the static. Style it into a ponytail, slicked updo or bun. Wear a toque, hat or scarves with anti-static spray. Wool, cotton and coarse fabrics tend to cause split ends. During the night you can use cotton sheets to rub them on your hair so they don’t spring up straight and lie flat instead. Also, remember plastic combs are the worst contributors to static.

Chez Alvi – Aveda Salon NYC

If you are looking for a salon that has a diverse roster of talent, is warm, welcoming with well-trained stylists, consider Chez Alvi. Call us at (718) 204-2300 for weekly hair treatments, or for other hair services . We always work with high-quality products and a very qualified team. 

Author's Bio: 

Blerina Laska