Cardio is stands for cardiovascular, this means related to the hear, cardioworkouts are exercises that helps you keep your heart healthy, these exercises helps in maintaining heart rate and keeping it elevated for a long period of time.

Cardiovascular Disease and Fitness

These heart exercises are very simple day to day exercises, like walking to be specific fast walking, jogging, swimming, cycling without any break in the routine. Exercises that stress on stretch and strength, like Pilates, are not counted as cardio exercise, but they can be included in some or the other manner in your cardioworkout (In French cardiaque symptome ) schedule.

Studies suggest that a lot of cardiovascular diseases could be cured with a little change in your diet and your exercise practice, it not only helps in preventing severe heart problems but is also a cure for heart diseases, and a healthy life style means a healthy heart and a healthy life.

Experts have given certain guidelines for healthy heart, according to them one should have at least 30 minutes of strenuous exercise every day , it is also beneficial maintain a healthy weight and body condition. Just workouts are not enough your daily habits should also be changed, it is very important that you quit smoking and control your drinking, and these things are very helpful for curing cardiovascular diseases (In French maladie cardio ).

There is are numerous health benefits associated with cardioworkouts, there is a long list of advantages due to these normal cardio exercises hefty list of health benefits associated with doing cardio exercise . Here we present to you some top reasons that tell you, why should one to include cardio in your workout routine:

The most vital and key reason being that it strengthens the heart and prevents all cardiovascular diseases.
It also helps in strengthening the lungs and also increases the capacity of your lungs.
Metabolic activities also get a boost due to this workout regime, it helps in balancing your metabolic rate, and helps to burn calories, and thus in simple words help loose weight.
Cardio workouts are the best stress busters, because stress is the main reason for a lot of heart related diseases therefore regular exercising is needed if you have a stress full job.
It increases your over all energy and thus keeps you active through out the day.
A lot of people who complain of sleepless nights and insomnia should consider workout for a restful sleep.

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