Canada may be a wealthy and well-organized country. A number of you're additionally about to immigrate to Canada. If you're about to immigrate to Canada you want to know the foundations and rules of Canadian law. Obtaining citizenship in Canada is incredibly simple.

However, you should know the fundamental rules and laws of Canada and you want to maintain these laws.We all know the common normal law. However, in Canada, some uncommon laws don't seem to be known to all or any. Let's discuss some uncommon laws in Canada.

Alberta: It is forbidden by law to paint a wooden ladder

Painting a wooden ladder in Alberta is forbidden. If you have a ladder and you want to paint your ladder it's your own choice. But if you live in Alberta and you want to paint your wooden ladder then you should not do it. It is forbidden in Alberta. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 2009, painting a wooden ladder is not legal.

Alberta: It is forbidden to own a pet rat

It is forbidden to own a pet rat. Many of you want to pet a rat. But here in Alberta, you won’t be able to pet a rat. It is forbidden in Alberta. According to the Agricultural Act of 2001, owning a pet rat is not legal.

Toronto/Ontario: It is forbidden to swear in public

In Toronto, you should mind your language in public places. Don’t even try to use slang languages in public places in Toronto. It is forbidden in Toronto. According to the Municipal Code of Toronto, it is forbidden to swear in public places. Here are some more things are forbidden in public places in Toronto.

1. Throw things
2. Annoy people3. Be nude
4. Release gas balloons

Toronto/Ontario: It is forbidden to drag a dead horse down street on Sunday

Dragging a dead horse down Yonge Street on Sunday is forbidden in Toronto. If your horse died keep your dead horse in your compound. Don’t even try to drag down your horse on the street on Sunday.

Osawa/Ontario: It is not legal to climb a tree

Climbing a tree and interfering with a tree is forbidden in Osawa. According to a city by-law of 2008, climbing a tree is illegal. If you love to climb a tree just for having fun don’t live in Osawa. Don’t live in Osawa if you love to climb a tree to have fun.

Ottawa/Ontario: It is forbidden to sell eyeglasses

Selling eyeglasses in remembrance day is forbidden in Ottawa. According to a city by-law selling eyeglasses in remembrance day is not legal.

Ottawa/Ontario: It is forbidden to own more than 3 dogs or cats

According to a city by-law you can’t own more than 3 dogs or cats in Ottawa. Owning more than 3 dogs or cats privately is forbidden in Ottawa.

Ontario: It is not illegal to sell your horse if you don’t pay the hotel bills the hotel can sell your horse

You should pay your hotel bill on time in Ontario. If you don’t pay your hotel bill on time the hotel can sell your horse. If you don’t have a horse the hotel can sell your goods as the payment of the hotel bill.

Souris, PEI: It is forbidden to have a tall and big snowman

A big and tall snowman is not legal in Souris, PEI. Having a tall snowman is forbidden. You don’t have the permit to make a snowman more than 30 inches tall.

Halifax, Nova Scotia: Wearing T-shirts is forbidden for taxi drivers

Taxi drivers can't wear T-shirts in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It is forbidden in Halifax. The taxi drivers should always wear shirts or they should always stay well dressed.


If you are thinking to move to Canada you must know these rules and regulations. It will help you to live a perfect life in Canada. Learn more from here.

Author's Bio: 

Rasel Khan is an internet entrepreneur