Due to Google recent changes in the way they rank sites, building niche sites is essential in affiliate marketing. This is in complete contrast to what most internet gurus used to preach that you do not need any website to get started.

One of the most common terms I heard is niche. What it means is building a site that presells via a series of articles, reviews and recommendations about the product you are promoting and finally directing the prospects to your actual affiliate offer via your link.

This sums up the entire process of building niche sites in affiliate marketing.

In case you might ask why you should build niche sites, here are my answers:

1. Have Your Prospects Focus On One Product Or Service At A Time

Your prospects came to your site obviously because your site title and description has what they want. It can online movies, Forex, make money online, weight loss, self help just to name a few.

Whatever they are, they want to know more about your product or service and how it can help them solve their problems. That is all it matters.

So apart from your description through product reviews and articles, how you address their concerns is absolutely critical in getting them interested to buy your product or getting them having second thoughts and search elsewhere online for your competitors.

Other than just reviews and articles, you might also want to include disclaimer, privacy and contact page to give them assurance that they are dealing with the real person.

2. Have Your Prospects Focus On Products Within The Same Niche

This is another alternative. Some prospects may not like that single product you recommend. They want more choices and that is where you come in and give more recommendations.

Say if you are promoting golf. You might want to include reviews of the 3 best golf courses that you can pick from online marketplaces like Clickbank and give them more variety and easier option to choose what is best for them.

You might also want to include more articles explaining about the basics and fundamentals of golf, how to play golf the right way, how to execute the golf swing properly, golf accessories etc.

As to how to write those, you might want to do research on the golf courses you personally picked. You might also want to contact the respective product vendors for most accurate and up to date reviews pertaining to their programs.

Here is how I do my niche site.

On the front page, I will put 3 recommendations with half written reviews with images and links directing them to the full review pages if they want to know more about the product.

On the left or right hand side of that page, I will include an optin box for them to fill up their name and email address either for a free report or ecourse about golf

The rest of the site consists of 5-10 articles related to golf, disclaimer that says that the results they got may not be the same as mine and depends entirely on how much time and effort they are willing to invest as well as privacy, terms and contact page.

The last is just to let them know they are dealing with a real person rather than typical marketers trying to sell them something.

More importantly, I put the keywords in my title, first and final paragraph of all my articles and reviews. The same goes for the hyperlinked text which actually direct my prospects to my affiliate offer.

Author's Bio: 

If you have been struggling to make money consistently online, you might consider checking out my free Affiliate Compass course whereby I will walk you through from A to Z of what I know about affiliate marketing.

At the same time, check out all the tools you need online in my other site here.