Is there really such a thing as autism independence?

Many parents wonder what the future will hold for their child with autism. Will my child ever be able to drive a car, or live on his own, or be able to hold down a job?

It used to be that parent’s expectations were set very low for these possibilities - with the future looking bleak at best. In last week’s episode of The Mother Cub Show, I did my best to turn that notion upside down as I chatted with autism expert, Brian R. King, about the most important areas you can focus on right now in order to help your child grow into having an independent future.

The second half of the show featured Ann Millan, author of Autism: Believe In The Future. Ann is the mother of three children. The third has autism….and is now happily living her life as an independent adult.

If you missed this informative and educational episode that aired Wednesday, August 17th, at 8am Pacific, you can download it now for FREE:

To go directly to this episode, click here:

Author's Bio: 

Susan Lynn Perry is the Official Autism Expert on in addition to hosting a weekly radio show called The Mother Cub Show, All About Autism on WorldTalk Radio. She is an accomplished freelance writer and best-selling author of fiction, nonfiction, short stories and inspirational articles. Her latest novel, Hindsight, is what she likes to describe as “fiction inspired by true events”. As the mother of a young son currently emerging from autism, she’s had the distinct honor of becoming an expert in the field of natural, biomedical and dietary interventions that have had a profound effect on her son’s health. Please visit her website, for additional information, and remember…it is possible to help your children get better – you just need to take one step, and then another, and then another……