Are you where you want to be in life?

This is kind of a hard question to answer, isn't it? People ask this question occasionally in life, though, so it is worth thinking about.

It seems like a pertinent question for anyone to think about. However, answering it implies you know the answer to another question, which is "Do you know where you want to be in life?" (So many questions.)

Where Are You In Your Life?

Here is a sample list of questions to ponder and ask yourself. These will not answer the question for you, but perhaps will enable you to learn to try to make progress, which is what it is about::

* Do you feel content deep down with where you are in life?
* What do you think about at the end of the each day?
* Are you proud of what you do?
* Do you generally lead or follow?
* Do you willing to make sacrifices to get what you want?
* Is work part of your weekend?
* Would you take a less desirable job for more pay?
* How much time do you spend volunteering ?
* Has God led the way in your life?

Certainly there are many others one could add to the list. This list is focused more on a vocation, which is only one part of your life.

From a Christian perspective, you are where God wants you to be in life according to his plan for you. The next question is, "Are you trying to make the most of it?" Just being in the right place isn't always enough. Although the phrase "God helps those who help themselves" is not directly in the Bible, it is implied.

Why is this worth thinking about? The Bible states at physical death what is left goes to heaven or hell, and it is for eternity. What you do now does matter. When people stand on the corner and raise their voice it is to get your attention.


How would the author answer the question, "Are you where you want to be?" Probably not where I want to be, but headed in the right direction. The idea of the post was not for readers to answer yes or no, but rather to get them to stop once in awhile and think of where they are going in general. In regard to some of the above questions, I am proud of what I do and trying to concentrate on spiritual principles and a larger picture. An observation after all these years is that little things matter. Getting little things together can put you in a position for when larger things come. On a daily basis, for example, things like what you wear, what you eat, the tone you use to talk to people, focusing on health and, above all, having a spiritual base can help move you in the right direction.

No matter what problem you have as a human, for the God who created the heavens and earth out of nothing it is not insurmountable.

Author's Bio: 

Spiritual Growth author motivated from a spiritual awakening.

Active member at an Eastern Orthodox House Of Hospitality, Cleveland, Ohio, working with seminarians and learning.

Blogs have been published at Ezine Articles and at and the website is listed on the Technorati directory. Also authored the standard procedures for an Orthodox Monastery.

Please visit my website about finding more meaning in life at and add any comments.

As Wayne Dyer said."When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."