Anger has become one of the most intimate issues in today's world . With unemployment at an all time high nationally , and the stress of current life in American becoming incredibly stressful , Americans are turning to rage . Anger is often a bi-product of other more primitive emotions such as fear, depression, anxiety or stress.

Recent Bureau of Justice data shows that over 500,000 victims of workplace violence lose over 1.8 million workdays a year, at a cost of 55 million annually . U.S. citizens need anger management now, more than ever. In the workplace, anger control problems not only damage the moral of other employees, they also create an incredible liability for companies who are doing everything they can right now to improve their bottom line and return on investment .

Historically , anger in the corporate world was viewed as a personal problem. Employees need to seek outside help alone. If the employee was lucky , their employer had an EAP program they could refer them too for help . Now, employers are taking upon themselves to get assistance in training employees in anger management so that they don't get out of control in the workplace. This preventative intervention is an extraordinary cost savings to the company and has lasting benefits to the employee.

For starters , the cost to train an employee in anger management skills is rather low . The second benefit of training employees in anger control is that the company will experience less law suits filed as a result of inappropriate workplace conduct . Companies will also experience improved moral, less days off, and increased productivity .

Anger management classes can be taken in a variety of settings. From specially designed corporate online anger management programs, to live in person anger management courses. If you are heading up human resources or are in charge of training for a company , consider the risks vs. the benefits of anger management training. The choice to train is simple.

Author's Bio: 

Ari Novick, Ph.D. is Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a certified anger management provider for both adults and adolescents. Dr. Novick is also an adjunct professor of psychology at Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology. His corporate website is and his innovative online anger management class is available at