Conjunctivitis is mainly caused due to certain irritants such as, chemicals or alien matters- piece of grit. It is classified mainly into two types based on what has invited the condition – an allergy or an infection. This is also known as infective conjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis.
Generally, infective conjunctivitis occurs in the eyes due to virus or bacteria.
Occasionally, even babies develop with conjunctivitis in the early weeks of their birth. This usually occurs due to an infection that is transferred from mother’s cervix or vagina during obstetrical delivery. Consult with your GP if the newly born baby is showing any signs of eye infection.

Allergic conjunctivitis is developed due to allergens such as dust mites, cosmetic products, or pollen grains. This kind of conjunctivitis is classified into four types- seasonal, perennial, contact, and giant papillary. The classic symptom of conjunctivitis that affects includes:

? Redness of whites of your eye
? Swelling or burning sensation
? Watery eyes
? Blurred vision
? Slight sensitivity to light
? Hay fever
? Itchy nose
? Inflamed skin
? Sneezing

The symptoms of allergens conjunctivitis differentiates with the symptoms of infective conjunctivitis. In this case of infective conjunctivitis, it shows symptoms such as discharge of yellow pus, watery secretion, fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. In the condition turns severe, it is better that you see a doctor. If your body is showing symptoms such as:
? Extreme pain in eyes? Trouble in seeing
? Sensitive to light

If the symptoms last for few days, it is better that you consult with your doctor. Numerous factors contribute for developing conjunctivitis. Comparatively viruses are more harmful in the case of conjunctivitis rather than bacteria. Viruses are also responsible for developing common cold, thus an individual may develop conjunctivitis along with common cold. Streptococcus pneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are two main causes for bacterial conjunctivitis. Infective conjunctivitis can be transferred from one to person to another. Thus, it is very much essential to wash your hands with soap after you encounter any infected person. This kind of conjunctivitis usually occurs in older people and children. Allergic conjunctivitis is found in the people- allergic to pollen grains that released from plants every year.

This kind of allergy is called as hay fever or seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. It is usually caused due to animal fur or dust mites. Certain cosmetic products, chemicals, and eye drops are also responsible for allergen conjunctivitis. Some individuals get affected with one form of allergen conjunctivitis known as papillary conjunctivitis. It is caused due to eye lenses or eye surgery. Even alien material such as artificial eyelashes, chemicals- chlorine, or piece of grit can cause conjunctivitis. If the conjunctivitis is caused due to any alien material then it generally affects only one eye.

It is very much important to maintain proper hygiene throughout the infection period. You need to wash your eyes after every one hour with cold water. Try to put some rose water drops in your eyes, as the rose water soothes inflamed eyes.

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