If your company is planning to share exciting news, your initial thought is to issue a press release.

It is a good idea of course.

A press release allows you to reach out not only to your target audience but other significant people as well.

The entire objective of a press release is communication or to make your story viral.

But to achieve these goals you must structure your story the correct way and then put it out on press release sites for SEO .

Why SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is important. After all, your visibility must rate high on search engines.

Despite the fact that debates are going on about the usefulness of SEO for press releases , search engine optimization still has considerable value and can be part of an effective marketing strategy .

But mind you, press releases essentially are branding tools, and a wonderful platform to get the word out about your company.

If your story is persuasive enough, it will create a buzz on social media and set off organic traffic to your website.

But crafting your narrative in a perfect way is no cakewalk.

You have to play by the rules.

If you do not, you will fritter away your time and energy on a story that people may not read at all.

And even if they do, they may misconstrue the essence of the content.

So the answer is clear. Know how to structure a press release.

If you have not done so before, get assistance from a press release writing service .

Your story must have a professional touch and writing it from a journalist’s point of view requires years of experience.

Yes, your company may have in-house talent to write a press release.

But make sure they have the requisite professional talent to do so.

Typically, you must follow the AP style guide while composing your release.

And then focus on headline, opening sentence, body, and a press kit.

Press releases are not just informal narratives. They are proper announcements about your company that are newsworthy.

It could be a product launch, announcement of an important company event, or a change in top echelons of the company.

There is no any doubt that press releases are great tools for making a statement about your company.

Yet, do not fall into a trap by bungling your approaches.

Certain mistakes can hamper your progress a great deal.

Here are a few of them.

Your release is full of industry jargon.

Keep in mind your target audience. Stay clear of complex technical lingo, use simple language and focus on the 4 Ws – Who, Why, What & Where.

You are using stale & generic headlines.

Take some time and make some effort to customize the headline so that your story stands out.

Journalists and media professionals come across hundreds of releases each day. Your press release will draw attention only if it speaks of something exceptional.

It is not focusing on what it has for the reader.

By highlighting a great deal on the product and your company, you may lose sight on telling the audience how the news or the product/service benefits the reader.Emphasize on why and how the news is important for the target audience.

Author's Bio: 

Mike Smith has hand-on experience in content marketing and press release distribution that’s the reason why his blogs on the subject are educative and easy to understand. Mike has been a creative writer and is focused on the world of content marketing for many years now.