We quit our jobs for many reasons. Usually it is to take on another and better position but in many cases these days, people want to step out on their own and freelance or start a small business. Before quitting your job, though, you must realize that more than likely in the first year there are going to be struggles while you try to get your name established. And during that first year, one thing will be missing: a steady paycheck.

It would be very wise to have at least a three-month buffer of money in your bank account to cover your fixed expenses prior to quitting your job. One of the problems when you quit your job and head out to work for yourself is that you will be very busy trying to establish clients and build those relationships. You will not have time to be burdened by money worries and trying to pay the bills. And if you think that your first clients will be eager to pay you, guess again once more. In fact, many times your clients have absolutely no concern whatsoever if you succeed or fail in your new venture. Many times your new clients will be slow in paying or may not even pay you after you deliver work.

After quitting your job and start on your new venture, carefully analyze what you are spending your money on within the first month or two. Even though you have that three-month buffer in the bank, you can make it stretch even longer in some cases by just cutting back some of your variable expenses. It would be nice if you could make three months extend into four months as far as your cash on hand is concerned. It is very important to be disciplined during this initial time as not being so could mean the difference between your success and failure.

When quitting your job, you may experience a loss of money. In most cases you can not understand where the money went. This is where a budget can give you an important helping hand.

Every single company has a budget and you need one too. A budget is the first tool that you need to create in order to determine how your money flows. If you have a budget, you will get to see the money you receive and spend as well as keep track of all your transaction.

If you want financial stability then having a budget is vital. Start off with getting a simple notebook and create two columns: income and expenditures. Every time you spend money try to note it down under “expenditures”. After around three months you will start understanding how much money you spend for everything. You will see your profit or your loss and you can take steps to improve your financial situation. For instance, if you are paying too much for the electrical bill, see if the electrical plugs in your house are installed correctly and that there are no loose wiring. Check your equipment and appliance also. Energy loss can create bigger bills. If your profit is large, you will know how much you can afford to invest and save every single month.

Everything about your finances can be planned with the help of a budget. Never neglect its importance and try to keep your budget as up to date as possible. You will be amazed at how much money you spend without even knowing it. These losses can be eliminated and turned into profit if you realize they exist. The budget is the first step towards financial knowledge. Creating one will make you gain money by eliminating loss and investing the largest amount possible.

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This article was compiled by the editors at SelfGrowth.com, the number one self improvement resource on the Web. For more quality self improvement content, please visit http://www.selfgrowth.com .