This is a question that is going to bring out a different answer in all of us. It depends on what you have gone through in your life and how fast you can rebound from the situation you were in.

To keep this article on the shorter side, I am going to spend time talking about when the right time is to date again after a divorce .

After going through a divorce, there is a process that you should go through before dating someone new off of the street.

There are many things to consider before making this step. For example, how long have I been with this person, were kids involved, how do I discover who I am again, soul searching, finding a counselor, dating too soon, setting guidelines for the future, and what do you want long term from your next relationship.

As you can see, it is not easy to pick up the pieces right away and just go jump back in the saddle. It takes time to discover who you are and that is fine. Everyone’s timeline is going to be different, but you will want to use this thought process before dating again.

I personally have not been through a divorce , but have a few friends that have experienced this in their lives.

I will try my best to share one point of view to help you understand their thought process. The advice my friend gave was so useful that I have to share with you.

My friend was married with this gentleman for several years before they decided to part ways. During their years of marriage , they had a daughter together who was old enough to understand what they were going through. She wanted her daughter to learn from this process so they had conversations with her to help her understand why this was happening. Her main goal was to stabilize her daughter’s life before moving on since this was important to her.

In addition, making sure that her ex was going to be cooperative in his part of helping their daughter through this. She spent time teaching her daughter of the mistakes that were made to help her so she will not make the same mistakes in her life. The next step for her was to get to know herself again by discovering who she was. By going to see a counselor, she was able to do some soul searching and was able to set goals for her future. This was an important part of her being able to finally rebound and to move on.

She started to go out with family , and friends to slowly get back into the swing of things, but there was no serious dating involved for about 1½ years. By doing these things, she was able to have fun in her life again and to discover who she was as a person.

During this time she was able to understand what she wanted in a relationship long term and was able to set guidelines of what things would be like the next time around.

After 3 years, she was able to get serious with dating and was ready to find Mr. Right. She has been with him for many years now and is very happy in love.

The moral of this story is that the right time to date again will be different for everyone, but you must follow a thought process before moving on to someone new.

There is no need to rush into things! It will take time to understand who you are and what you are going to want out of your next relationship and that is perfectly fine.

Author's Bio: 

I am the webmaster, author, and host of website. This site is a dating information based website created to help the person dating become successful with hopes for long term relationship success. It is our goal to provide all of the tools necessary to help you find your love of a lifetime.