Every sane living individual on this planet is under the control of their own subconscious mind but only a few of us have learnt how to turn the tables and take charge!Each and every one of us is the product of our lifetime of indoctrination.

So if you feel that you are in a mess it is probably because your basic subconscious belief system is happy that way.

And the same applies to luck. If you consider yourself unlucky it is because your belief system has "trained" you that way. In order to find your luck, you need to have this programmed tape. Tapes with preprogrammed hypnotic messages that will help attract your luck or boost your luck. This single cassette tape, created by the best personal hypnotist in the world...... Y O U ....may change your life.....forever.....if used properly.

One of the programs is called the Novice Effect, also known as beginner's luck and is a frequent occurrence among those who try psychokinetics (PK) for the first time.You may have a phenomenal run of luck initially and then it might die right off. This is quite often bought about by boredom with the process. If this happens don't become discouraged because it is a fairly common occurrence. All you have to do is to persevere until it settles down.

If you push too hard for too long the PK effect seems to die away. That it takes 48 hours or more to recover after an extended slot machine session. This will probably vary from person to person depending upon their own initial belief system. Tiredness or a low emotional state can also negate positive PK.

Once you have figured out your approximate luck cycles then it would pay to do any form of gambling - such as taking lotto tickets - during your luck peaks. The whole idea of this PK program is to enhance your natural luck peak.

If you happen to have an internet connection you can visit one of the many gambling sites and play slot machines, sometimes for free. This way you can potentially determine your luck cycles without leaving home as there seems to be no geographic distance limits to PK effects.

There is an extremely important aspect to manipulating events with your mind (PK). This is as follows: after you have formed the desire for the dice to roll up sixes or for the slot machines to produce 5 of a kind in a row then you must dismiss the desire totally.

It appears to be this letting go that makes the process work!Most of us have had our "luck level" for all of our lives. It takes a major shift in psyche to change it. In most cases this will not happen overnight. It is like losing weight ....it may have take many years to slowly stack on excess weight so a person cannot expect to lose it quickly.

In the same way it may take a little time and effort for your personal luck levels to modify themselves.
The first thing that you should gain from this program is knowledge of your luck cycles. And this knowledge is yours for the rest of your life! The next thing you might notice is that you develop a more easy-going attitude to life depending on how effectively you are playing the tape. If you are not noticing much improvement try playing the tape in the mornings just after you woke up. But whatever you do don't give up!
The tape will be working on you.

Author's Bio: 

This was taken from the advanced mind power research of Jim Francis and his small research team.

They discovered psychic powers such as how to attract luck, how to cure their mind and body while sleeping by pre-programming their dreams, how to attract new partners with just the power of the mind ...they even found out ways of beating the casinos!... Plus much more...

Download their secrets for Free in the revealing ebook - Mindsurge: The Consciousness Revolution.

To get this ebook for free, which includes the complete dream programming technique revealed for free for the very first time, visit this link now - http://www.realmindpowersecrets.com