I wish to explain to you “why diets don’t work”, and why “you are not losing weight”, or I should probably say why “it comes right back again”. I hope I do not sound too harsh, but I am going to get in your face a little bit here… It is for motivational purposes only, and nothing personal.

Actually, diets do work, and you can get the body you deserve! You only need to find the right one. One in which you can live with, one that suits your needs, in other words… One that fits your lifestyle!

You may or may not know this already, but your thoughts create your life. I want you to know this as truth; it is factual. This also implies that you create your life through your thoughts. Take a good look at your life picture of where you are now, then consider what you have been thinking about. You should see a perfect match! Now you can improve your life by choosing and monitoring your thoughts accordingly.

This is not necessarily easy, but the more you become aware of what you are thinking, the easier life becomes. What you think about you bring about. Even if you are thinking of not eating, your mind dosen’t know the difference of what you want or don’t want, good or bad, etc. It only thinks you would like to eat.

This is why so many of us are living a life filled with misery. We unconsciuosly focus on what we don’t want. Our bills, people who upset us, weight gain, traffic, all these things we don’t want, we tend to focus on more than what we actually do want! And therefore, in return, we get more bills, more anger, additional weight, and always seem to be stuck in traffic. Are we clear on this?

Dieting is not just about changing your eating habits, though that is a great place to start. In order to truly be successful at weight loss , you must also change your thinking, and your beliefs… our subconscious minds often repeat the same thought patterns that are not even ours! We inherit them from our parents, develop them in school and adopt them from our friends. That's right. Most of our beliefs were programmed for us during our childhood and we never looked back to say "Is this true?" or "Is this what I believe?". When we look for the truth is when we find it. It comes to us through our feelings. We always know what is right for us by feelings of joy and happiness or negative ones like stress, doubt and worry. I always choose the thought that feels best for me and free myself from ones that don't. We all have the freedom of choice and thank goodness for that!

Being thin is not only a choice, but a lifestyle as well. It is the same as being overweight. In order to lose weight, you first need to lose negativity towards yourself. You are no different from anyone else. God did not decide to create all men equal, except for you! So stop telling yourself that you can’t lose weight, and start excepting the fact that you can! Even if you don’t believe in God, you cannot deny the Universe existing. The Universe is continually creating everything in your reality through your thoughts. You are part of that energy field, (the Universe) and are strongly connected to it, and everything in it. It is believed the Universe was also created by thought… That’s how powerful your thoughts are!

Choosing to be thin is the same as choosing to be rich, or well read. You choose your hair style, where you shop, your home, your clothes, and yes, you do choose what size they will be! If you desire to be overweight, that is fine with the rest of us. Just please stop crying about it and stop blaming others. Your parents - (they are overweight, they did not teach me proper eating habits), your body - (I have a slow metabolism), work - (I don’t have time to go to the gym or to exercise ).You cannot just wish to be thin, though that is a very good start. You only need to believe your wish will come true! It is your beliefs that create your reality, and your thoughts create your beliefs. It is crucial that you become aware of yout thoughts as much as possible. This may seem difficult at first, but it only takes practice. Begin by asking yourself several times a day “How am I feeling”? Your emotions can easily signal to you if your thoughts are positive or negative. If your feelings are sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, etc. then know that you caused that feeling by your own thoughts. When you are feeling happy, grateful, loving, etc., know that you caused that feeling too! Stop the excuses and begin taking action to achieve your goals.

The next step is to visualize yourself as the weight you wish to be. Your mind always thinks in pictures, so you must always picture yourself as thin. Affirmations are a great way to feed the subconsciuos mind (the creator) with powerful thoughts and visions. Make a list of what you want, and repeat this list out loud to yourself everyday. For example”I am getting thinner and thinner every day”! Say these words with authority, as truth. You are stating facts here! (They soon will be anyway…) If you have trouble believing this, think how many times you said “I’m getting fat”, or “I never seem to lose weight”. Did any of those statements come true? Then I guess it works. Now you just need to reverse this vicious cycle.

Same applies to exercise , choose a program that works for you. Find activities that you actually enjoy doing. There is walking, running, swimming, dancing, sports, palates…just to name a few. I actually get a workout cleaning my house. Anything that raises your pulse, heart beat, and speeds up your internal system in general is exercise . Any movement, even stretching is better than lying on the couch, eating, and watching T.V.

Diet does not mean eat nothing but cabbage soup for ten days. You will lose weight by this, but most certainly gain it back as soon as you eat something other than cabbage soup. Diets like this do not work! They are temporary, at best, designed to last for a day or two. Why would you only want to lose pounds for a couple of days? This is why I say being thin is a lifestyle. You need to find a diet that last, in other words, one that fits your lifestyle. I know, but that was worth repeating.

Think mind, body, and spirit. No need for the body to do all the work, you are in perfect harmony with the Universe when you use all three parts of your make up. Your mind is great fuel, as well as your spirit. Mind and spirit are formless energy, and are capable of a great deal when it comes to achieving success in any area of life. What I’m telling you may be hard to grasp in one article. Dr. Robert Anthony has created a program I strongly believe in. No gimmicks, just cold, heart facts like I am stating here. Dr. Robert Anthony is my favorite mentor and writer of self help. He has been teaching this sort of positive programming for over thirty years! (It only makes sense that he can explain this better than I). He can guide you through this change effortlessly with his Zero Resistance Weight Release Program , designed specifically for weight loss .

Author's Bio: 

Yes, I have managed to control my weight throughout my entire life! In this area I was naturally programmed for success. My Mom was a real health nut and my Dad always assured me I would never have to worry about gaining weight. Actually, the only time I was not happy with my weight was in high school cos I had doubts about everything back then. So, I decided to go on a diet and not eat anything but fruit and salads. (I never cared much for salads)! This was torture and the only time I actually gained weight. And it was several pounds!!! The more I thought of not eating, the hungrier I became. So I decided to quit the diet, and the weight fell off again soon after. I was no longer thinking about not eating.

Now several years later, I am asked repeatedly, "How do you manage to stay so thin"? So, I have decided to tell all and help others do the same. Control your weight... or it will control you!

My blog offers articles and reviews of products and services I find to be helpful with personal growth or self improvement. Categories include self help programs, articles, videos, weight loss articles & programs, and product reviews.


Dieting Secrets

Dr. Robert Anthony