Nearly 81 percent of people say they have a book inside them. It’s in their hearts, minds, and soul; but unfortunately, it never seems to develop in pen. Most of these people feel their life story or an event in their life is worthy of becoming a book—and they may be right.
Why then don’t we write our special and unique story? Are we afraid of failure? Do we feel we just don’t have the time? Whatever the reason, we can overcome it. So what if it does take you five years to complete your manuscript? And what is failure anyway? If you sit down and spend one hour a week writing what’s been festering in your heart for years, would you consider that failure? I would define it as true commitment, a healthy outlet, and an expression of your being; far from failure.
Writing doesn’t have to be a full-time job; in fact, it shouldn’t feel like a job at all. Set aside an hour a week to write. You have a story to tell and there is sure to be someone who would be interested in reading it. Even if you never publish your story or make it available to the public, writing it will be an accomplishment to be proud of.
If you don’t want to write an entire book, then write bits and pieces in a journal. Journaling is considered one of the best remedies for stress. The reason is, you are removing yourself from your normal stressful environment by retreating to a quiet space to write. Also, you are able to express in your journal the feelings you aren’t comfortable expressing aloud.
Whether you have a book inside, need to release your thoughts, or just feel the need to write about something on your mind, write it. It’s healthy, it provides quiet time, and it’s free; so why not try it.
For more on how to write and publish your story, visit
Carol Denbow is the author of 3 non-fiction books. She publishes an informative and free bi-weekly e-zine “A Book Inside” for new writers and published authors wanting to learn more about writing, publishing, and selling books. To read more about this author, visit