Why is it humans, the ultimate predators, feel safety in numbers? Is it because we are the only ones who intentionally hurt ourselves? Is it because we are the only ones who intentionally blind ourselves?

Consider the statement, "ultimate predators." Yet, a resounding majority of us have poor vision. Why? Ever heard the phrase, "use it or lose it?" I am afraid we may be guilty as a whole.

Maybe we do not see very well because we never allow ourselves to experience the truth in darkness? We have this planet lit up like a parking lot when night falls. What are we afraid of? Could we actually be blinding ourselves to the very answers we are seeking? Are we giving ourselves the biggest, brightest sign in the universe, yet not taking the time to read it, perceive it? Are we literally blinding ourselves by not using the full range of our natural vision? Other animals aren't afraid of the dark.

Why do we choose to perceive there is safety in numbers? Why do we believe a majority must surely be right? Is it because we don't trust our own judgment, our own feelings, our own experiences? Is it because we've chosen to perceive "they said" this is how it is, how it is supposed to be? Is it because we've manipulated and controlled ourselves so much that we cannot imagine the unperceived? Did we choose to be this way? Why?

How can a young orphaned fawn survive to maturity on its own in the wild? They do you know. It happens all the time.

What's wrong with being different? Is it because we are afraid of being labeled and outcast from the collective that we complain so much about? Is it because we don't ask ourselves enough questions?

Why do we fail?

If I sit quietly and contemplate that question, what comes to me? People fail because they are choosing to fail, and choosing to perceive it as failure.

Why would anyone do that? I'm not sure, maybe because:

1. They are afraid of change.
2. Change takes more time and effort then they're willing to give.
3. Change doesn't look like they perceived or expected, so they reject it.

Even the smallest change must be acknowledged and maintained for the step that it is, even if it is simply to practice the ability to be quiet and contemplate a question.

What about getting help? Can I get help for navigating this seemingly miasmic venture?

Yes, of course. Just remember the same rules still apply. You will only succeed if you are able to perceive your responsibility for your own progress. The best professional help in the world cannot help you if you aren't going to commit to change lastingly and help your Self. The trick is to help yourself with their help, not to expect them to pull you up the ladder.

How do you choose your help wisely? Listen to your feelings. Find one person, product, or activity that makes you feel good. Concentrating your efforts on them (or it) will make more difference, in less time, than trying one hundred books , promises, programs, or activities one after the other. They all worked for the people who created them. Trust yourself to find one that resonates within you.

What do I mean by resonate? I mean, when you're browsing the internet and you happen upon a site that instantly grabs your attention. I mean, when you are reading someone's work, and you find yourself having a passionate discussion within your head; applying that work and those words to yourself and specific areas in your life. I mean when you feel a surge of powerful, motivating energy hollering, yes! I agree, I understand, I want to know more, I want to make that happen!

I would say that those are all trustworthy signs that you have found the help that will work for you ... if you commit to following through with the open perception that you will not attain the exact same results as anyone who has gone before you. You are you, you are unique, you are different. In fact, why would you be satisfied with someone else's results?

If you really want someone to guide and encourage you personally, talk to them first and see if you click. When you find someone you like, you trust, and you believe has your best interests at heart, sign up. Then commit to making it happen for yourself, not to them making it happen for you. They cannot do that. You have to change yourself one moment at a time, and be responsible for applying all those changes to your life for the rest of your life.

Oh, and best beware. Don't deceive yourself with the commercial perspectives that say, "all you have to do is tap yours heels twice." You know you cannot affect a lasting change for the better without committing to the behavior and perception that achieved the change lastingly. You must develop conscious awareness and inner trust to adapt other people's discoveries (other people's help) to your experience. That takes time, and we all work at our own pace. Respect yourself. There is no rushing it.

Try to rush it and your perspective will be seeing the lack thereof, and the true gift will pass right before your eyes. Then you hit the rut. Then you face starting over on the cycle due to the combined lack of patience, self discipline, responsibility, and perspective. You will get what you have earned.

How do you know if you've found a good consultant (or coach)? After you've spent some time with them, ask yourself the following questions one by one. Don't put any other information, exceptions, or stipulations on them. Go with your first answer for each one. Yes or no. (These work for self help , too).

1. Do you feel better: introspective, calm, and contemplative, maybe even excited, after working with them?
2. Does your negativity soften?3. Do your questions and answers center inward after you finish working with them?
4. Do you feel like you just talked yourself through your issues, questions, situations, understandings?

If you answered yes, comfortably, to all of those, then you can rest assured you chose right. If you answered yes to three out of four of those questions, then you can be certain you chose a very good consultant or program. If you answered yes to two questions and no to two questions, you may want to consider reviewing your results openly to try to improve them, or you may want to look for a better match elsewhere.

When are you ready for change? When a new perception shows up before your eyes and you recognize it for what it is, a call to action.

What do you do in the mean time? Remember, it is exceedingly helpful if you actually try to live, enjoy, and earn a good life. It doesn't matter if you do it yourself your own way, or try utilizing someone else's advice. Keep your mind and heart open to new opportunities and fresh perspectives, and keep your energy positive by living each and every moment for what it truly is: an experience to help you get one step closer to your freedom; to your goals for change for the better, to conscious awareness, and true enlightened understanding.

You'll know you are on the right path when past problems, frustrations, and irritants don't seem to bother you so much anymore.

You'll know you've achieved a new perspective when your recovery time from negative situations grows progressively shorter. You'll know when you stop saying, "someone or something" must change.

You'll know when you have made a lasting changed.

Of course, that doesn't mean you're done yet. Keep life in perspective. There is always more ...

Copyright © 2009 Rebecca Halstead
All rights reserved

Author's Bio: 

Rebecca Halstead enjoys life as a Reiki Master, Animal Communicator, and Life Consultant. She is the author of the book series, "Get Your Self Straight", and the founder of In Touch Methods™, experience based learning techniques that teach conscious living through Awareness, Communication, and Understanding Energy.

Along with her books and free articles, Rebecca offers both private consults and group clinics (for people and/or animals), phone and email consults, eCourses, and accelerated learning (for people) with her In Touch with Horses™ clinics.

Find more information, products, and services by visiting thinkitout.net .