Facing a job interview is daunting for many. If you are working you have probably been through a formal interview. Here is a scenario that you might have some experience of.

The night before the interview you diligently sit down and get ready. It might be the pay, the conditions or simply you hate your current role, but you are desperate for this new job.

Working through some of the advice on the internet you start practicing imagining the interviewer naked. This works for a while until you get the idea that they might do the same to you. Then your head is suddenly filled with thoughts of hundreds of people with better CVs, family connections or just being able to talk their way into the company. You read through your CV not taking anything in.

You have a restless night, dreaming of turning up to the interview naked having forgotten everything that is on your CV. The next morning having slept in you rush to the company. Being out of breath you wheeze at the receptionist, forget your own name and get the distinct impression that she thinks you are an idiot.

A short wait eventually brings out the prune faced harpy that is to be your interviewer. She attempts a smile and you feel like you are at a funeral. Attempting small talk you manage some glib, obvious comments about the weather, traffic and something your mate told you about a declining economy. Thankfully the interview room is close by.

Settling down in the interview room you manage to spill coffee down your front. Eventually your stony faced interviewer smiles as if she has murder on her mind and says, “Just to start gently, Give me some highlights from your CV and how this relates to the position you are applying for?”

You immediately start to worry about what is going to happen when it gets rough. You then realise you didn’t bring any copies of your CV and can’t remember what is on it. A few minutes of you wittering about your favourite holiday destinations and she now things your CV is a fake.

The interviewer smiles like a hunter having spotted their prey and asks about how you rise to a challenge. There is a huge pregnant pause after you reply with “very well” as you sense that she is looking for more of an answer.

In panic you try to think of her as naked…suddenly realise that is not a good idea and then start thinking she might be thinking of you the same way. Now you have forgotten the question and sit there with your mouth opening and closing like a frenzied guppy. And so the interview stumbles on for what seems like an eternity.

As the blood stops pumping round your body your interviewer informs you that she has finished all her questions and asks if you have any questions for her. Trying to appear keen you ask her when will she make a decision. Hoping you have got the job she leads you out to the street after answering your question.

If any of this strikes a chord with you then imagine how different this could be if you had an air of confidence, a way of making small talk that builds rapport, a formula for being able to answer any interview question and deal with any objection. Add in the final element of covertly implanting post hypnotic suggestions that you are the best candidate for the job.

Sound impossible? May be not, many of these skills are naturally occurring and you have definitely seen others do this as part of their daily lives.

Remember circumstances where you have seen someone just strolling through life getting what everything, including the jobs they want. These are the people using these skills, sometimes naturally, sometimes they have been trained. In most situations these skills are learnt quickly and easily in a matter of hours.

Your CV could be rewritten in less than a couple of hours adding lots of NLP and psychological pull to get more interviews than you could dream of. Having the skill to be able to answer interview questions artfully only takes two hours to learn and you will keep that skill for life, as well as learn to apply it in many more situations.

Building rapport, banishing interview nerves and taking control of the interview can be learnt in as little as half an hour even though they don’t seem easy skills.A couple of hours mastering job interview techniques would make the difference for most people between the job you are doing and a truly great job.

Author's Bio: 

You can find out more about NLP and Hypnosis applied to Job Search Skills through The NLP Company run by Rintu Basu. Rintu is the trainer of choice for the NLP Scotland Business Community. He maintains an exclusive coaching practice whilst also delivering high quality NLP Training and developing download products such as Hypnotic Interview Techniques .