Anchoring: The Keyboard To Your Mental States
Everyone has enjoyed a positive state of mind and also understands what it feels like to be in a negative state as well. Now given the chance most people are going to choose the positive state of mind, but feel that it is simply based on environmental factors in which they have no control. Consider this, what if you could automatically switch your mind to a positive state? Would you believe that the human brain is capable of that? It is a process called “anchoring” and it can make unbelievable changes in your life. The next step is learning what an anchor’s are.

What Is An Anchor?
There are different types of anchors that we will go into more detail momentarily. First, a good definition of an anchor is a stimulus ( behavior ) that is associated with a particular state of mind or mood. For example, if every time you scratched off a lottery ticket you won a substantial amount of money, you would begin to associate scratching the lottery ticket with a positive state. This “anchoring” or associating is based on the famous research completed by Ivan Pavlov with his hungry dogs. Basically, in a laboratory setting Pavlov uncovered that dogs could associate a bell with hunger pains and involuntary salivation. After a training period Pavlov found that the dogs would begin salivating and having hunger pains at the sound of a bell, regardless of the time that the bell sounded. You may be asking how that affects us today? What Pavlov found is a term known as classical conditioning. This means that associations can trigger feelings and behaviors without someone making a conscious effort. This is very important in success and how individuals live their lives. That means that you can improve or change your state of mind based on positive associations. Now let’s look at the types of anchors.

Visual Anchors
Visual anchors are among the most common, because humans are very visual creatures. We have been making associations every since childhood. Think about when you were a child or your child now, they can not read, but they know the McDonalds arches when they see them! As you travel through the residential area ten miles over the speed limit and you catch a glimpse of that white car, what is your immediate response? That’s right, you hit the breaks, grit your teeth and know that you are about to be $100 poorer. (This just happened to me) We make associations every day based on color, appearance, texture and faces. Think about that grouchy neighbor next door, what do you feel when you see their shining face? Now simply think about him and you will understand “anchoring”! It puts you in not so positive state of mind, just by the mere association.
There are positive and negative visual anchors. If we see the envelope that our paycheck arrives in, our state of mind turns to a positive. The sight of a distant relative will bring a positive smile.

Auditory Anchors
An auditory anchor is a stimulus that is a sound or sounds neurologically linked to a state of mind. Again it can be a positive or negative state, but is linked with a sound. What do you feel when you hear the alarm clock, jaws theme or fire alarm. Most people either feel negative, panicked or just plain lousy. That is because there is a negative sate associated with that particular sound. For the alarm clock it is hitting the floor even though you are exhausted, a siren sends panic through the spine. Is someone hurt, is it my family and is my house on fire are all thoughts that people associate to the sound of a siren, it is automatic without any effort of the individual.
Hear your full name (maiden if female and married) in a loud voice in your mind, does it bring up a feeling? When I hear William Danny Horton, alarm bells go off. I only heard my full name when something negative had happened.
Auditory anchors can also be positive, think about a romantic movie and the sound track that goes along with it. It may be that when you hear that particular song or music you feel refreshed, romantic or close to a loved one. That is because that particular song or music is associated with a positive action or behavior that was carried out in that movie.
This is the key to “upbeat” music to work out to. It can help get you motivated to work out. Or let a former (there are no ex) US Marine hear the Marine Corp anthem, big response!

Kinesthetic Anchors
A kinesthetic anchor is one that is a movement, touch or physical action that associates a particular state of mind. This can best be explained with the touches, holding or hugging of a loved one. When that person touches you it makes you feel special and loved, right. This is because you have associated that touch with the love and affection of that person which sparks a positive emotional state.
Another common example of a kinesthetic anchor is the small gestures or physical actions or behaviors of a sportsman. Think about a baseball player that hits the bat on the ground or the football player that slaps another on the back end. This is because these behaviors have been linked in the mind to a positive state, or winning the game. Now it is not only the touch of a loved one or a gesture of the sportsman that can make kinesthetic anchors work for you. You can develop kinesthetic anchors on your own. This will make your feel more confident, invigorated and ready to succeed.

Using Anchors in Your Life
Anchors are a part of everyday life whether people realize it or not. When people fall in love they are anchored to the pleasant feeling that they get when around their loved one. The small tokens such as a love song, beautiful scenery or something else can trigger this elated feeling that is based on the love we feel for someone else. Anchors are not set and there are no guidelines, they are different for everyone.
When I first moved to Florida I had the experience of an anchor that recalled long forgotten memories. I would go to lunch and would feel somewhat upset afterwards, sort of down in the dumps. I did what most of us would do, check what I was eating, and my coffee intake, all were the same. One day when I went for lunch the smell of “old lady perfume” was strong, and instantly I thought of my mother. She died of lung cancer 11 years earlier. (She wore way to much perfume as she could not smell, the result of 40 years of 2 pack a day Pall Malls) The olfactory anchor set off old memories and feelings. This is an example of anchoring in action! I used our skills to reprogram the anchor.
Think about products and advertisements on television, radio and on the internet. The leading manufacturers like Nike, Reebok and Polio spend millions on leading positive role models and associations in consumer’s minds. This is well worth the money for the manufactures because consumers make positive associations and simply must have the product. They feel because someone that is such a positive has the product it must be good. This is the reason that there is billions of dollars in advertisements spent every year.
There are key factors when using anchors and if you can learn how to use them you will be able to control your state of mind. This can set the stage for success, energy and a multitude of other positives in your life.

Key 1: IntensityDepending on the intensity of the experience can control how fast the anchor makes the associations. If the experience is extremely intense it may be that the association is strong after only one occurrence. On the other hand if the experience is less intense it may take several times to associated the state with the experience.

Key 2: TimingThe most effective time for the association of the anchor is at the peak of the experience. As the intensity of the experience lessens, so does the association. If you can maintain this intensity for a longer period of time it is more likely the anchor will be established.

Key 3: UniquenessIt is best to find an anchor that is unique to the experience. Individuals have the ability to use any three of the types of anchors independently or all together. The key here is to ensure that they anchors are used together and at the same time. Make sure that it is something that happens associated with that experience and is not common to other experiences.

Key 4: Replication
Practice makes perfect! Just like anything else replicating the experience will achieve the anchor permanently. If you are attempting to build an anchor you may have to replicate it a time or two exactly. If it is a vision or touch it needs to be exact to build in your mind.
Anchors Away!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Wil Horton is a licensed psychologist, author of several books including MIND CONTROL, attended FBI hostage negotiation training at Quantico, and is one of the world’s leading authorities on NLP

(neuro linguistic programming). Dr. Horton has appeared on The Tom Joyner Show, The Jim Bohannon Show, Danny Bonaduce, CBS, Cumulus, etc. Dr. Wil speaks internationally on the subjects of NLP and hypnosis, and can be found on line at