This article is about how you can learn NLP Accelerated Learning Techniques by applying those techniques to learning to play guitar.

Playing a guitar requires the application of knowledge and skills in a real time environment. As such it is a great situation to develop NLP and Accelerated Learning skills.

To play the guitar you need to be able to put your fingers in the right places at the right time. But before you have got to that point you need to be able to translate the dots and lines on a sheet of music to those positions on the guitar. Or, if you are improvising listen to what the rest of your band are doing and translate that to the most appropriate places to put your fingers on the guitar…all in real time with no opportunity to pause for thought.

Learning music is a perfect environment for NLP Techniques. Many people have preconceived notions about music. It is difficult, you need talent and reading music is complex. These preconceived ideas and beliefs are often not helpful.

Duncan Lorien’s ground breaking Understanding of Music Seminar is a text book example of the application of Accelerated Learning concepts. Duncan takes the time to increase your understanding of the basic components of music and how anyone can apply them. Deliberately he breaks down old unhelpful beliefs and builds up powerful new ones. Installing new beliefs whilst letting go of limiting ones give you added momentum in learning to play music.

Practice routines are another area worth looking at. It is only PERFECT practice that makes perfect, so finding the right drills is important. Being stretched and challenged is great so long as it does not lead to hesitation and stumbling.

A typical scenario for a guitarist might be stumbling over a section of a new piece of music they are learning . They might start to criticise themselves installing unhelpful beliefs and emotions along the way. They might then overplay that little section until they can play it perfectly…but then have trouble fitting it back into the rest of the piece.

Celebrating the fact you have found a development area for your fingers and turning the whole thing in to a new set of finger exercises would be a true NLP Accelerated Learning approach. Playing the section at different speeds, in different keys and all over the fret board would develop flexibility and turned a problem in to a huge piece of muscle learning.

If you understand how Accelerated Learning works you can break down any key skills and develop exercises that rapidly develop the skill. On the Understanding of Music Seminar Duncan Lorien has done exactly that and he gives his graduates 100 ten minute daily lessons that will dramatically improve your guitar playing. A good NLP Practitioner Course will show you how to break down skills and develop exercises from them that can really accelerate your learning.

Developing good practice routines and developing empowering beliefs are just two factors in developing skills using accelerated learning . The best way of understanding how to do this effectively is to invest in a good NLP Training Course.

Author's Bio: 

Rintu Basu is the owner of The NLP Company which develops lasting professional and personal results through Hypnosis, Accelerated Learning and NLP Techniques.You can learn more about Accelerated Learning , NLP Training and how this relates to guitar lessons at the leading website for the NLP Scotland community.