Something phenomenal is taking place (a call to greatness let's say!). I am part of a select group of 25 working on devising a marketing plan/strategy for an incredible marketing experiment! The company is just about to launch a new skin nutrition product. One product. Top of line, green product, in tune with the environment, more skin nutrition than skin care. So a robust product. Established company. Solid track record. So those are the given parameters.
We have some variables as always. Our environment and economic climate in the USA is somewhat unstable at this time. As such, we will have to factor this into our marketing execution. So overall, some unfavorable economic times. But because of the internet we are now operating in more of a global market. Remember that the objective of every business is to churn a profit irrespective of the economic environment.
HERE'S THE EXPERIMENT. Our Business Coach Nadira Haniff has hand picked a group of 25 people. We are developing a marketing plan in the next few days. Now we are regular folks, just like you, distributors, home based business folks, with regular families , and with a lot of gusto and determination to win in business. None of us are advertising gurus or marketing gurus or anything of the sort. We all have our skills however. And we are now part of each other¡¦s team. So we will not earn from the efforts of the others! And we are not paying the coach either!
Anyway continuing, HERE'S THE OBJECTIVE: with a defined marketing plan and a micro break down on each aspect of the game plan, execution is in a methodical, systematic, controlled manner (meaning no deviation from the plan except for fine tuning - we risk getting voted off the group!!). Each of these 25 distributors are aiming to add 100 new distributors to their team in the next 180 days, working within the defined marketing plan and keeping in sync with the team. This would give each of us the foundation not only to earn a really solid income but also gain the knowledge and application of knowledge, to duplicate this exercise and generate a steady flowing residual income.
Each day of this journey will be documented for the entire 180 - 200 days and later used as a tool. Plans, progress, results, fine tuning, fights (not too many I hope!), disagreements, any votes off are all part of the game! Videos will be posted online with, daily conversations and all the fun reality stuff! I am participating like everyone else and getting my hands dirtied and muddied! 100 distributors in 180 days here I come!
So, I would like to invite you to follow along with me and the gang on this journey for the next 180 - 200 days! Can we keep all 25 of these participants in sync and productive at the same time? Can they hit target? It will be an incredible journey! You are invited to add any words of wisdom in marketing, planning & execution...the games began 10/01/08. Looking forward to your comments...
PS: If you would like to know more let us knowļ
Theresa Giambrone630-761-3132
Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional participating in a marketing experiment called 180daystogreatness. Created by Nadira Haniff, this experiment will be documented at