Skeptical about hypnosis ? Don’t believe you can conquer your fear of flying?
You have yet to meet Georgina Cannon…

We all have to do it at one time or another – whether it’s going away for March Break, heading out for a summer vacation, or going home for the holidays, we are all faced with the prospect of flying at some point in our lives.

If you are one of those people who are frightened of flying – who worries about the flight before it even happens – you probably feel foolish and helpless about these fears and wish they would just go away. Well, according to Toronto’s certified master clinical hynotherapist, Dr. Georgina Cannon, they can. Cannon says that all our fears are stored in the subconscious mind so you actually have the power within yourself to release them. In other words, if you want to let go of the fear of flying, you need to get at the source of that fear in order to make changes and liberate yourself from it.

Cannon, teaches how, through the power of suggestion, a person’s subconscious mind can be subtly re-programmed to change fears and negative thoughts centred around flying into positive, pro-active perceptions and feelings.Cannon shows how you can let go of past limiting decisions, blocks or restrictions, so that you may move forward and travel with freedom.

Hypnosis is one way to make suggestions to your subconscious. As you tap into the subconscious mind it allows the formation of new habits or patterns, as well as allowing patterns to strengthen or change. But because the conscious mind is always in control, the want or need to change must truly be there. Hypnosis doesn't facilitate change if change isn't really wanted.

If you prepare your mind in advance, with a little help from hypnotherapy, your flight will go almost exactly the way you imagined it and you’ll feel good, confident, and in control. Isn’t this what we all want – to be in control of our thoughts, to set aside our fears, and to live life to the fullest?

Dr. Cannon is recognized by many in the media as “The Source” for expert opinion in the field of hypnotherapy and issues around complementary wellness treatments, and she regularly meets with medical and wellness professionals to enhance their knowledge and awareness of hypnosis and the dynamic healing potential of soul, or past life journeys. She is a regular guest on Shirley MacLaine’s site, where she hosts a monthly chat moderated by Shirley.

Dr. Cannon has been in demand as a guest expert in the media for more than ten years. She has been a regular on radio and TV internationally, frequently asked to comment on matters of interest, whether in the area of Hypnosis, Holistic Healing, or to speak in detail about new discoveries in the area of human psychology , world issues and more.
For more information on Dr. Georgina Cannon visit:

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Georgina Cannon, certified master clinical hynotherapist, is an international award-winning teacher, lecturer and Director of the Ontario Hypnosis Centre in Toronto, ON. In the eleven years since it’s founding, Dr. Cannon has initiated the ethical protocols and procedures for regression now followed by her students and many others in the regression field.