Networking is a very important marketing component for most businesses, yet so many people just don't seem to understand that to make it work there is a crucial step that must be done right...the follow-up.
At a recent event I attended I went up to the presenter afterwards and said that I was very interested in what they were offering and could they call me the following day.The presenter replied " Absolutely. We'll be in touch tomorrow". Three weeks later and nothing has happened! What a waste of an opportunity. I won't be investing any money with this company.
Most events, business meetings, seminars etc. where I've met some great people...guess what? 99% of them never follow up afterwards. Not even a 'Great to meet you' email or phone call.
If you're in business and you want to maximise your time and money, learn how to network effectively and follow up! It's so simple yet most people don't do it.
If you want to fast-track your results I'd recommend "How to Profit From Networking "
Also make sure you follow these networking basics:
1. Always have your business cards with you.
2. Block time in your diary to follow up from every event within24-48 hours.
3. Add all business cards to your database and keep detailedrecords of all conversations and communications
4. Have a way to stay in touch with people ie. an ezine,newsletter, cards etc.
5. Keep doing the basics... they work.
The Final Word
You cannot afford to miss these golden opportunities unless you don't need to make any more money and have plenty of time on your hands! There's huge opportunity in networking . but you need to know how to do it properly to get long-term results.
If you're not sure what how to get your systems right to maximise your networking opportunities and avoid letting money slip through your fingers, then I urge you to take action and invest in a proven step-by-step system that will get you big results. Get a copy of "The Productivity and Profit Home Study System ™". It includes everything you need to know to free up your time so you can take better care of yourself, organise your systems and master your marketing so you make much more money and get a life!
You can read the success stories and get your own copy at (why be time poor and struggle in your business, when you can easily get much more done, make more money and have time off?)
Lorraine Pirihi, The Productivity Queen, is founder of , and creator of "The Productivity and Profit System ™" ... the proven step-by- step program guaranteed to free up your time, organise your systems and master your marketing so you make much more money and have a life!
To receive your F.R.E.E. CD "10 Habits of Highly Productive and Profitable People" valued at $47 by mail and weekly how-to articles to increase your productivity and your profits visit