Most AD/HD adults know the feeling of overwhelm. It’s that place we go to when we’ve overextended ourselves, when we’re multi-tasking and having trouble keeping up or when stress gets the better of us, and more. Maybe you recall that old expression, “Stop the world, I want to get off ”.

It goes without saying that we love stimulation but there are those times when we get too much (of a good thing) and become overwhelmed by it. Oh, and then we tend not to be the most organized person so there are those times when we get stuck; can’t move forward, can’t move back. Do you know the experience of approaching today’s TO DO task but all you can see is clutter, disorganization, piles of prior incomplete tasks and suddenly you experience that sensation slowly creeping up and you can’t figure out where to start. Yes, that’s overwhelm.

By the way, are you on target to complete and mail off your taxes before April 15? If you managed to keep organized financial records then preparing your taxes may have been a simple task. If on the other hand, you are challenged by organization and paperwork then you may have experienced overwhelm even at the thought of your taxes. Then you may have also felt your blood pressure or anxiety on the rise.

Symptoms of Overwhelm –
• Brain freeze – can’t discuss, can’t problem solve, etc
• Tired, sleepy, poor focus, increased irritability
• Running in circles, busy but poor productivity
• Depressive and stress related symptoms

How to manage overwhelm?I offer several coaching solutions to manage overwhelm but here’s one of my favorites. Develop a “Recipe for Success”. Do you have a favorite kitchen recipe? When you follow your recipe and utilize the proper ingredients in the proper amounts you are nearly guaranteed to create your favorite dish with a reliable outcome. That’s all you do with your “Recipe for Success”.

Your Recipe for Success!
• Know your desired outcome
• Determine the ingredients necessary to create your desired outcome
• When creating your recipe ingredients, consider what’s worked in the past
• Your recipe MUST be written and kept somewhere that you can easily find it
• Post recipe in calendar or organizer and review on 1st day of every month

Author's Bio: 

Rudy Rodriguez is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Intrinsic Coach®. He has maintained a private clinical practice in Asheville, NC since 1983 but first began working with ADHD children in 1981. As an ADHD adult himself, he brings a very personal understanding as well as his clinical experience and coaching expertise to his working with ADD/ADHD children, adolescents and adults.

CoachRudy is the founder of the ADHD Center for Success where he brings his passion and commitment to partner with ADHD adults to co-create successful experiences in their lives, their relationships and careers. Rudy frequently presents seminars regarding adult ADHD and provides ADHD coaching services to ADHD adults and their partners.

Professional Affiliations:
ACO (ADD Coaches Organization) - Professional Membership and serves on the organizations Leadership Team.
ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Association - Adult ADHD Organization) - Professional Membership and Facilitator, ADDA TeleSeminar Series. Licensed Clinical Social Worker - North Carolina. Certified Intrinsic Coach®.