"Gratitude is the open door to Abundance " was the fortune on a recent herbal tea bag I opened. This statement really hit home as the message powerful in it's simple truth.
As we transition from 2008 into 2009 I am reminded that true wealth is the connections that we have, the health that we enjoy and our openness to the dynamic dance which is life!

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the many gifts that each person has brought to my life over this past year. I have learned so much and hope to continue to learn more even when the lessons are difficult.

By allowing ourselves to focus with joy on what is going well, on what is working, we open ourselves up to the floodgates of greater abundance in every area of our life. It is in the appreciation that the universe says, "Okay, more of the same".

As life gets faster and fuller, I invite you to sit back and meditate on what the last year has been for you. What are you grateful for and what will you look to create in the coming year? How might you create some “spaciousness” and simplicity for the expansion to occur?

I intend to move into 2009 with the themes of appreciation, simplicity and love. By continuing to acknowledge all the many gifts in this life and letting go of what no longer serve, there exists a certain ease and deep contentment. It is in this energy that creativity thrives! Allow yourself to draw in a grateful deep breath and the abundance will come. It is that simple . . .

Here is lovely poem on the idea of simplification by an author not known to me (I think Michio Kushi?):

Speak less, Listen more

Say less, Do more

Worry less, Enjoy more

Ride less, Walk more

Eat less, Chew more

Start less, Finish more

Compete less, Share more

Take less, Give more

Frown less, Laugh more

Author's Bio: 

Ana is the founder of Devana Wellness and a certified holistic health counselor, yoga instructor, Reiki practitioner and massage therapist. She specializes in healthy and delicious cooking, holistic nutrition, wellness coaching and working with essential oils. She provides a bi-weekly health and wellness newsletter to her subscribers and thrives on sharing the joy and vitality that this life has to offer. Learn more by visiting devanawellness.wordpress.com .